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It's homecoming tonight.

Gon had thought all four of them would take photos together, get ready together, and perhaps take a ride there together. They would all laugh and make jokes. Now they're all separated, he sighed as he adjusted his tuxedo.

He walked into the gym, it was packed with students in dresses and suits. While there were serving tables full of punch, juices, and pizza. He gripped tightly onto his messenger bag with his camera in it. Maybe he can take some photos by himself.

Gon sat down on the bleachers as he watched everyone else dance. This was supposed to be a night to remember, now he just wants to forget about this night. He looked around the gym. Kurapika was on the phone, Leorio was busy flirting with girls, while Killua was on the other side of the bleachers.

Both of them looked deeply at each other. Though Killua had a sad and gloomy expression drawn onto his face. Gon nodded and understood his wishes. Although it hurt doing so.

Oh, how he wanted to run to Killua and hug him. He wanted to spend the whole night talking to him. He wanted to talk all about songs they should listen to, gossip, or maybe even just hang out like usual. He can't do it with Leorio and Kurapika because it's not like they're currently getting along.

He took out his earbuds and a book. Even though the room was blasting with music, it wasn't his type. He played the playlist he created for Killua. Soft tunes flowed slowly and gently in his ears.

That guy Gon saw in the library, he looked intimidating. Well creepy, he didn't look normal. He looked as if he truly was going to murder Gon if he stepped an inch close to Killua. That didn't make Gon feel anymore better about his current situation with his friends.

"Oh no!" A girl panicked.

Gon looked to his right and saw Killua soaked in fruit punch. His white suit now pink and damp. Some girls accidentally tripped and spilled their drink all over Killua.

"It's all right." Killua gave a small smile.

He got up and began walking to the locker rooms. That creepy guy isn't around anywhere, it's not like he can even get in without a ticket. It should be safe, it's not like Gon is going to talk to Killua. Maybe just look, he at least wants to make sure he's okay.

He trailed behind Killua as the white-haired boy shook his head. Attempting to get the juice out of his hair. He washed his hands as Gon hid behind a locker. This feels dirty, well it's technically not. They're both boys and it's no big deal.

But when Killua took off his shirt, Gon held back a yelp. His eyes widened as his mouth went dry. All of a sudden his blood went cold. Now all the missing pieces were finally pulling together.

Killua had bruises all over his back and arms. There were some on his torso, they were black and purple. Some were fresh and red, they were like wip marks and punch marks.

"What happened to you?!" Gon shouted and rushed towards him.

Killua yelped and panicked, "What the hell?! I thought I told you to stay away from me!"

He began throwing random items at Gon who was trying to help him. He threw shampoo bottles and his wet damp shirt at him. Gon brushed them aside and continued to walk towards Killua.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now