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The wind was soft and gentle today, the sun wasn't blazing as usual. It was the perfect weather, the perfect day, and perfect peace and quiet. Both Gon and Leorio were eating at a lunch table outside in the courtyard. He had his nose in a book while Leorio was busy on his phone.

Quiet at last.

Kurapika slammed down a piece of paper, "Gon why did you write this?!"

"Huh?!" The boy panicked from the sudden shock.

"This note." Kurapika slid it over to him.

Oh shit, the note.

The note that Gon wrote to make it seem like Leorio was apologizing to Kurapika for what happened at the lake. How did Kurapika find out it was him?!

"How did you know I wrote this..." Gon mumbled.

"I know Leorio, he doesn't apologize and Leorio has horrible writing barely anyone can read." He explained.

"Hey! My handwriting isn't that bad and I always apologize!" Leorio shouted.

"Can we please all calm down? I just want you guys to make up." Gon muttered.

"The chances aren't likely." Kurapika spat.

"Now that's something we can actually agree on." Leorio glared.

"I'm sorry Kurapika..." Gon apologized.

"It's all right, I know you didn't mean any harm." He smiled but then sneered at Leorio.

The blonde left, his attitude was still high and strong. Leorio rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath. The day then turned sour in a blink of an eye, Gon sighed and felt a wave of pressure once more.

"I'm sorry Leorio." Gon muttered.

"Don't worry man, I know you meant well." Leorio replied, "I'm just... going to take a walk."

"Oh okay..."

As Leorio walked away a wave of sadness and confusion swept over Gon. How could people separate so easily? First Killua, now Kurapika and Leorio. All Gon wanted to do was to make friends. Now they're all gone, is it his fault?

Perhaps Killua secretly doesn't like him and truly doesn't want to be his friend. The Leorio and Kurapika fight was also because of him and his stupid note. Gon mentally slapped himself in the face, how could he be so stupid.

He'd been homeschooled his whole life, this was his first chance into making friends. Now he fucking screwed it all up!


Music engulfed his ears as he read a book. The only thing that can fill the empty hole of depression in his heart is music and books. At least he won't bother anyone here and no one can bother him. He groaned and tossed his finished book into the pile of books he already finished in the last three hours.

He glanced outside the window, Killua was smoking. The white-haired boy was leaning against a tree as he blew smoke from his lips. Gon stared deeply at him, the windows were tinted so it's not like Killua can see him.

Although the feeling continued to nag at Gon, the nagging keeps growing stronger and stronger every hour. He wants to be friends with Killua but there's something against them. It's like there's a wall between them and he can't break it down.

He longed to talk to Killua again, even if was just for two minutes. He just wanted to hear his soft angelic voice. Killua had blocked him on every social media account he had. Now he had no contact with him online.

Whenever Gon approaches him he bolts. He honestly doesn't know how to talk to him now. Notes obviously don't work, coming from experience. Even if the notes managed to work Killua would most likely burn or throw them away.

He took out his phone, he needs some advice.

"Aunt Mito..." He spoke softly to the phone.

"Yes? What is it Gon?" She responded.

"Why do people fall apart even though the solution is so simple?" He asked.

"Well, it's hard for people to own up to their own mistakes. Some people are too headstrong and don't want to be proven wrong."

"Why do they ignore each other?"

"Perhaps they have a reason, everyone has a reason Gon."

"Oh, okay." He said, "Thank you, bye."

He hung up.

A reason?

What reason is it? What's the reason that Killua is ignoring him. Was it because of the person on the phone? He wants to understand Killua, but he doesn't want to hurt him at the same time.

There has to be some way, some way for them to be friends.

Gon walked up the stairs to the second floor of the library. He scanned through the books, he mainly judges them by the cover and how well the cover is made. But there was nothing that sparked his interest.

He sighed and leaned against the wall, there was a creaking sound. He looked over at the other side of the room. There were books shelves all over the place so he couldn't see the person that clearly.

Then came out the figure, the man had long sleek black hair. As well as black staring eyes, he was tall and lanky. Pretty skinny as well and had pale skin, just like Killua. Gon stood back a bit, maybe the guy is just here to grab a book.

But he doesn't look like he's in high school. Perhaps college? He did look maybe twenty years old. Gon should just mind his own business, he stood back onto his feet and was just about to pass the guy until the stranger gripped tightly onto his shoulder.

"Wait right there." He squeezed it.

"Huh?" Gon mumbled and looked up at the stranger in front of him.

Now that he's closer Gon could see a lot more details. The man looked tired, his eyes were red and teary. While he reeked of cigarettes, Gon fought the feeling of covering his nose from the awful stench. But he just stood in place, he had a feeling this man was dangerous.

"Stay the hell away from Killua..." He spoke, his voice dry and stiff.

"Why should I?" Gon spat back.

"I'll kill you if you come even an inch close to him." He sneered and shoved Gon onto the ground.

He walked away, leaving Gon confused and on the floor.

What the hell?

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now