𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: my brother

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my brother

They've both decided to keep their relationship a secret. Neither one of them wants to lose each other ever again. The best way to keep their friendship a secret is to meet up during school. It's not the best since they only have limited time together, but they'll take anything at this point if it means talking to each other again. They never want to be apart.

Gon walked into the library, he scanned the room. Killua waved him over to a table, a smile formed on his face. He nodded and came over, the table was in a small corner with tall bookshelves surrounding it. Killua grinned as he took out books for them to read. Gon took out his earbuds, they both took one in each of their ears.

"When should our next hangout be? I can only be in the library for a short amount of time or else my brother is going to get suspicious." Killua whispered.

"Whenever you're available." Gon shrugged.

"Hm, I don't know." He mumbled, "Ever since Illumi had found out about you he's been extra creepy. He's more of a stalker than usual. Sometimes he even follows me."

"Oh really?" Gon began to feel a slight chill down his back thinking about how Illumi might be spying on them right now.

He laughed softly, "Don't worry, he's not that creepy. If he did find out I was here you would've already been dead."

"Yeah, that doesn't really make me feel any better..."

"It's getting harder and harder trying to sneak behind Illumi's back, especially since he's high like all the time." Killua explained, "He's always in my business."

"If you want we could just keep meeting up like this." Gon muttered, "I like being with you."

Killua's face turned beet red as he looked away, "Don't say it like that, you idiot... Don't you ever get embarrassed?..."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Whatever..." He muttered and then smiled, "I like... being around you as well..."

The white-haired boy felt something, for once in years. He felt his body began to thaw as he let his guard down. The overwhelming feeling taking over him every second he looked at Gon.

It's as if he watched his daydream come to life and a new beginning approached. The school bell interrupted it though, the two boys broke out of their gaze and they stood up. Killua snapped out of his dream and cleaned himself off.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He blushed.

"See you."

Both of them went on their separate paths, Killua left the school. His mood now turning foul and sour. He looked at the parking lot. It was Illumi's car, he sighed and walked over. At least Illumi didn't try entering the school and finding Killua by himself. He most likely would've if Killua was only a few minutes late. Killua clutched onto his backpack and entered the car.

It already smelled like meth and dead dreams. The air inside was suffocating and dense. Illumi was smoking a cigarette, Killua rolled down the window as they drove out of the school. He hated car rides with Illumi, they were either awkward or just plain annoying.

It can be just riding in the car in silence or them arguing for a whole hour while Killua is forced to apologize. Illumi tapped his finger on the steering wheel, which mainly meant he was annoyed or tense.

"How was school?" Illumi asked.

Killua rolled his eyes and scoffed. It's like his brother is completely ignoring the fact that he threatened him. He ignored his brother's question and continued to look out the window. He didn't want to pay any attention to him right now. He's beyond pissed, Illumi is the whole reason he has to hang out with Gon in secret.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now