Chapter 2

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James POV

Today their are no classes so me and Sirius are going to talk to Lyra. We knocked on her door. "Just give me a minute. Said Lyra" She opened the door. "Lyra can we talk please." "Fine come in. Said Lyra" We walked inside. "Ly who was it. Said Reg" "Just James Reg. Said Lyra" We walked into the living room and saw Regulus." "Regulus what are you doing here. Said Sirius" "well Lyra is my best friend but what are you guys doing here. Said Reg" He found out yesterday Reggie. Said Lyra" "OoO. Said Reg" "can we talk please." "Yeah sit down. Said Lyra" We sat down and just stared at each other. "Is she mine." "Yes James she is I found out a week later. Said Lyra" "why didn't you tell me Lyra." "Because you and Lily just forgave you and I didn't want to be the reason you and Lily got a divorce. Said Lyra" "has Regulus knew the entire time." "Yeah he was the one who bought the pregnancy test. James I'm letting you off the hook she doesn't have to know and you can go on with your life. Said Lyra" "no I wanna be their for her get to know her. Like what does she like or what she does. Tell me what she does." "Well she likes to paint quidditch outside flowers. Said Lyra." "Yeah and she likes to prank people too. Said Reg" "So when can we tell her. Said Sirius" "you can't just go up to her and tell her. Said Reg" "why not" "because she's a mini you and has your temper. How would you feel if some man came up to you and said I'm you dad. We can tell her on break but for now get to known her. Said Lyra" "fine." "Who's her godfather. Said Sirius" "I am. Said Reg" "what why. Said Sirius" "because we burly knew each other and he's my best friend. Said Lyra" I looked at my watch and saw it was time to go. "Sirius we have to go now." "Bye Lyra Bye Reg. Said Sirius" We said bye and left back to the school as soon as we walked into the halls something spilled on us. "No it's wasn't meant for you guys. Said Carina" We saw a small figure infront of us and saw us covered in goo. "Who was this meant for then. Said Sirius" "my friend we made a bet who can do the best prank on each other. I'm sorry. Said Carina" "it's alright." "How did you if this. Said Sirius" "I used a lader. Said Carina" "you could've gotten hurt." "But I didn't see I'm fine. Said Carina" She gave us an incconent smile. "Do I have detention. Said Carina" Me and Sirius looked at each other. "No you don't go run along now. Said Sirius" She skipped off and we started to walk to our classrooms. "What happened to you two. Said Marlene" "we got pranked." "By who. Said Lily" "Carina she was trying to get her friend. Said Sirius" "so what did Lyra say. Said Remus" "she is mine." "And what else. Said Lily" "she told us we can tell her on break. And what she likes to do." "Well go shower you two sink. Said Marlene" We went to our dorms and showered.

His Unknown Daughter.-James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now