Chapter 6

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Carina's POV

It's already December time flew by fast. Today we are heading back home I can't wait to see the butterflies again and playing in the garden. I found an compartment to myself so I sat down and started to paint. It was flowers and butterflies then the door opened it was some professors. "Hello." "Can we sit here Carina. Said James" I nodded my head and continue to paint. "What are you painting now. Said Lily" I showed them and put it back into my lap. "You ready to go home. Said James" "Yup my mom said she had some news but I think uncle Regulus is picking me up." I minded my business the entire way then we stopped. "We're here. Said Sirius" I grabbed my things and rushed out and saw my uncle. I ran into his arms. "I see you missed me. Said Reg" "of course I did." Then they came walking towards us. "You guys ready. Said Reg" I looked at my uncle and gave him a weird look. "Oh right Carina they are coming with us. Said Reg" We apparated to the house and I jumped out of his arms and ran inside. "Mom" I ran into her arms. "Hey baby. Said Mom" "I missed you so much." "I missed you too. Said Mom" The others walked inside. "Carina you left us out their. Said Reg" "oops I forgot." "Hey guys. Said Mom" "Hey said Everyone." "Carina they are going to be staying with us for break. Said Mom" "Alright I'm going to put my stuff away." "Alright I'll be up to help you. Said Mom" I ran to my room and put my paintings away then my clothes then my mom walked in. "Hey luv. Said Mom" "Hey mom." She started to put my clothes away. "How was it. Said Mom" "it was good aunt Minnie walked me to detention." "Why did you have detention. Said Mom" "me and Rose we're trying to prank each other and aunt Minnie kinda walked in at the wrong time I said I was sorry." "Alright then c'mon let's head down. Said Mom" She grabbed my hand and we walked down. The others we're putting their stuff away in their rooms. "Mom what's the news you said you have." "I'll tell you later. Said Mom" Everyone came down into the living room I got shy and sunk into my mom. "Mom can I go play in the garden." "Yeah sure luv. Said Mom" I ran into the garden and started to chase butterflies.

James POV

Carina went to play in the garden. "Is she ok." "Yeah she just gets shy that's all you guys can go watch her if you want. Said Lyra" We walked into the porch and saw her chasing butterflies. "She loves butterflies. Said Lyra" We all smiled and just watched her play. Then Carina came running over. "Mom I'm tired. Said Carina" "c'mon then you can take a nap. Said Lyra" They walked inside we we're still outside Harry was inside. "Is she always tired. Said Lily" "Yeah she is. She's probably getting sick. Said Regulus" We all just caught up.

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