Chapter 24

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Carina's POV

I woke up from a nightmare and saw Walluburg laying next to me. "Hey it's ok I'm here don't you worry. Said Walluburg" "please don't leave me alone I need you." "I promise I won't don't worry I'm not leaving you ever. Said Walluburg" I laid back down and went back to sleep.

James POV

We were all getting worried for Carina it's been a couple of months since she's been back and she's not the same. My mom comes over everyday and talks with her but she doesn't come out the room we are trying to get her to eat. "Here mom let me help you." She passed me the food and we walked up to Carina's room. We walked in and she was just laying down. "Walluburg. Said Carina" "I'm here dear. Said Mom" I put the food next to her so she can eat. She looked at it like it was poison. "Carina you need to eat. Said Mom" She shook her head no.

Carina's POV

Walluburg was sitting on the bed and someone with her. "Carina please eat. Said Mia" "no it has poison and look he's watching." She told him to leave. "Carina I watched them they didn't put no poison I promise you I'll be back. Said Mia" I started to pick at it then she walked back in. "Your eating my goodness good job. Said Walluburg" I smiled at her. "Theirs that beautiful smile. Said Walluburg" she's been trying to get me to eat for a while but I always told her no. "Are you sure they didn't put no poison." "I'm sure Carina they didn't don't worry dear. Said Walluburg." I finished it and laid back down I was tired physically and mentally from everything. Everything hurts but I fight for Walluburg she's the one who keeps me from killing myself.

James POV

I got sent downstairs then after a couple of minutes my mom came down. "What happened did she eat." "I don't know I walked out but I left it with her. Said Mom" "did she say anything today. Said Lily." "She thought it had poison in it. Said Mom" We all had a confused look. "It didn't though. Said Molly" "well that's what she said in going to see if she ate just came to tell you. Said Mom" I followed her up to her room we walked in and saw her laying down. The plate was empty so we took it and went back downstairs. "Did she eat. Said Lily" "Yeah she did." My mom took the dish to the sink. "That's progress. Said Marlene" "yes it is. Said Remus" I went back to her room and saw her sleeping. I started to learn Italian to understand her more. So when she speaks I can understand her and it will be easier. I laid next to her because the last time I did was when she was 10 the last time I saw her peaceful. I knew I was the reason she was like that I broke her heart leaving her alone. I'm just hoping she comes back to normal soon. I don't think she realized I was next to her she laid her head on my chest. "I'm sorry for sending you off. I should've been their for you instead but I wasn't. I miss my little princess when you get better I'm gonna spoil you like I should've when you we're younger." I pulled the blanket over us and went to sleep.

Lily's POV

James went upstairs to check on him and saw him asleep with Carina. I took a picture so he can have the picture the last time she slept with him was when she was 10. I walked back down with the picture and showed it to Marlene. "Omg its been so long. Said Marlene" "that's why I took a picture." "What the picture of. Said Remus" "James and Carina their asleep. Said Marlene" "James is finally sleeping. Said Sirius" "Yeah he is him and Carina both are well she went back to sleep." "They are so alike. Said Mia" "Yeah they are." "He hasn't slept in a while. Said Remus" "I know so let him sleep he needs it."

His Unknown Daughter.-James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now