Chapter 3

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Carina's POV

Today is our first day of classes. Me and Rose are excited we been friends since we were little. They said some of our classes will have older students. I already got my schedule so I'm off to class. I have Snape first we know each other he comes over every now and then. I sat down and so did other kids Harry sat next to me. "Hey Carina. Said Harry" "Hey Harry." "Quiet and do your work. Said Snape" We all stayed quiet and did our work. Then he started to pick on a kid. "Leave him alone." "Ms.Castle be quiet. Said Snape" "no your picking on him." "Your just like your father. Said Snape" "and this is why I like Uncle Regulus better." I grabbed my things and walked out of the class. I had tears in my eyes I was walking in the hall with tears coming down my face.

James POV

We were all walking in the halls when Carina walked pass us. "Carina." She turned around but stayed looking down. "Aren't you supposed to be in class. Said Lily" She didn't say anything just looked down. I kneeled down. "Carina look at me." She looked up and she was crying. "Hey what's wrong. Said Lily" "Carina why are you crying." "Because. Said Carina" "because why. Said Marlene" "because of snape he was picking on someone and he said I'm just like my dad then I yelled at him this is why uncle Regulus is better then I left. Said Carina" I picked her up. "C'mon you can come into our class." We walked into our classroom and sat her down in a chair. "What class do you have next. Said Remus" She pulled out her schedule and looked. "You Professor potter the male one. Said Carina" "then you can stay in here till the class starts." We went over to my desk and she started to paint. Then Harry came in our class. "Harry your supposed to be in class." "Yeah Snape kicked me out. Said Harry" He walked over to us not noticing Carina. "Well why did he kicked you out. Said Lily" "Well after Castle left the classroom I told why would he say something like that and he kicked me out. Said Harry" We pointed behind him showing him Carina. "You guys found her. Said Harry" "yeah she was walking in the halls she was crying. Said Marlene" Harry walked over to her and we just watched. "Hey Harry. Said Carina" "Hey Carina what are you doing. Said Harry" "painting my uncle Regulus said to paint if uncle snape is rude so I don't hit him. Said Carina" "So he's your uncle. Said Harry" "yeah he's one of my mom's best friends. Said Carina" "what are you painting. Said Harry" "well I don't know I just paint and wait for the outcome want to paint with me. Said Carina" "sure. Said Harry" She passed him a piece of paper. We just watched them paint together.

Carina's POV

I'm painting right now but I just want my mom and uncle Regulus. "Harry do you know when we can go home." "Not till break why. Said Harry" "because I want my mom and uncle." "Why do you want to go home we just got here. Said Harry" "because I miss my mom." We just continue to paint till it was time for class. "Carina I have to head to class alright I'll see you after quidditch practice. Said Harry" "can I watch you at practice." "Yeah I'll come and find you see you later. Said Harry" "later." I put my stuff and away and waited for class to start. Everyone came in and sat down. "Good morning class. Said James" "good morning. Said Everyone" "alright these are you teachers here Professor McKinnon Professor Lupin Professor Potter their are two potters my wife and I and Professor Black. Said James" He gave us some work to do but it was hard so I raised my hand for help and James came over. "Yes. Said James" "can you help me it's hard." "Yeah I will help you. Said James" Their was nobody next to me so he sat down and started to show me how to do it. It was math work. "Their do you understand now. Said James" "Yes I do thank you." "Your welcome. Said James" After he showed me how to do it, it was easy. We worked on the math till class was over.

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