Chapter 41

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Carina's POV

It's been a month and I'm heading back home. Summer is over in a week and they go back to school and so do I. We go back in two days. I arrived and walked in and saw they were all asleep we'll it is 3 in the morning so I just went to my room and fell asleep. I woke up around 3 in the afternoon and walked down and saw my grandparents. I walked in the kitchen and they all looked at me. "When did you get back. Said Sirius." "Around 3 in the morning you were all asleep." "And your just waking up how come. Said Lily." "Well me and the group we went sky diving then went swimming in this awesome underwater cave." I got some coffee. "Since when do you drink coffee. Said Sirius." "Last year." My grandmother walked over and hugged me. "Carina I missed you so much. Said Grandma." "I missed you too." "You look so different now dear. Said Monty." "Well it's been a year and a month since you last saw me so yeah." I walked over to my dad. "Hey dad." "Hey princess. Said Dad." I gave him a hug and sat down. "What did you guys do. Said Ginny." "Well we went to Mulan saw great waterfalls their went swimming with the sharks and dolphins then went to Paris saw great places their and more swimming." I was in shorts and a swimming top that showed my tattoos. "I like you tattoos. Said Marlene." "Thanks got them a couple months when I left." I laid my head on my dad's shoulder and he put his arm around me and kissed my head. He whispered in my ear. "I missed you princess." "I missed you to." I got a call from the group so I walked out.
C- Hey bitches.
R- Hello to you too Care.
E- who else is just waking up.
T- I am.
R- me too.
C- me three you guys ready for school.
E- nope school suck and I'd rather die than go.
We started to laugh.
R- same here it sucks.
C- I know it does but then we just gotta wait for break to go on adventures again.
T- I'm picking next time but yes just wait for break.
C- I have to go later bitches.
R- Later Care.
E- Bye Care
T- Bye Lion.
I rolled my eyes and hung up and walked back in and sat back down. "Why did he call you lion. Said Sirius." "Because I suggest to go swimming with the sharks so he calls me a lion now well he always has why I don't know." "They seem fun. Said Harry." "Their really not your style Harry." "How so. Said Harry." "Well we don't care about the risks we just go with it no matter what and you don't like to take risks and you don't party." "You went to parties. Said Lily." "Well how else are we supposed to get drunk and besides we always got a room close by so we just walked." "Alright then not gonna ask about that did you have fun princess. Said Dad." "Yes I did and we are going on break to and every summer then when we are out of school we are gonna go travel the world for how long we don't know probably 3 6 years probably we don't know." "That's a long time. Said Lily." "Well we already planned it for about a year and half now so that's what I'm doing once I'm done with school." I shrugged because I don't care they can't change my mind. "Hey dad did you ever finish that house." "Yes I'm gonna show you today because I have a surprise for you. Said Dad." "Well we can go right now." "Then let's go. Said Dad." "Hold on." I ran up to my room and changed into a different bikini top and ran downstairs. "Lets go now I'm ready." He laughed a little and we left to the house.

Lily's POV

James and Carina left to go see the house we all just looked at each other. "How is James gonna handle that her being gone for that long. Said Marlene." "I don't know." "He burly handled it when she left how's he gonna do it when she's gonna be gone for 3 or 6 years. Said Sirius." "I don't know but she's to stubborn to change her mind she gets that from James." "She looks different. Said Mia." "Yeah we saw like for half an hour last month then she left and today is our first time seeing her. Said Marlene." "How can I say I'm sorry if she won't talk to me. Said Harry." "I don't know Harry" it's been about an hour then we heard talking and laughing coming in. "No I swear Lijah is weird. Said Carina." "Why would you say that. Said James." "You don't want to know but trust me. Said Carina." They started to laugh and they walked in the living room. "No I don't believe you. Said James." "C'mon it was a good joke and who wouldn't believe me I'm just adorable and don't get in trouble. Said Carina." "You literally have tattoos princess. Said James." They looked at each other then started to laugh. "Ok your right. Said Carina." They finally looked at us we we're just watching them. "Dad we have an ocean here right. Said Carina." "Yeah we do. Said James." Carina ran upstairs then came back down. "Where are you going. Said James." "To see if it has a cliff so I could jump off and I want to go swim and meeting up with Lijah and Rosie. Said Carina." "Alright and have fun and cover up. Said James" "No can do bye love you later. Said Carina." She ran out the door and we looked at James. He came and sat down on the couch with me. "How was it." "She liked her room and it was alright. Said James." "Haven't heard her laugh in a while. Said Marlene." "None of us have. Said Sirius." "James what are you gonna do when she leaves again. Said Remus." "I don't know but if that's what makes her happy then I'm happy even if it means her leaving again. Said James." We talked for a while then Carina came in with her hair wet. "Hey guys I'm back. Said Carina." "How was it." "Awesome I did a black flip off the cliff god it was fun. Said Carina." She was in her bikini top and some shorts. "Did you have fun. Said James." "Yeah me and Lijah were the only ones tho Rosie she had to go do something so she bailed but when we jumped in you could see the fishes moving away it was funny. Said Carina." She walked upstairs. "She went in the ocean James. Said Sirius." "Ok. Said James." "She could've gotten hurt and you just say ok. Said Marlene." "She just went swimming in the ocean if it makes her happy then I'm ok with it. Said James."

His Unknown Daughter.-James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now