Chapter 11

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Her party dress ^^

Carina's POV

Me and Rose we're getting dressed for the party we have our own dorm together. We walked down and everyone cheered for us. "Rose Carina come take some shots. Said Semis" "we're coming." We walked over to Semus and Dean and we all started to take shots. Then me and Rose started to dance all the house were here nobody cared about what house your in not since I told to stop. "Carina come dance with me. Said Mattheo" Mattheo Riddle one if the schools player me and him are exactly the same we are know as the school's players nobody called me a whore or slut because Tom Draco or Mattheo would hit them we are all close. "I'm coming." We started to dance together and people cheered some people wanted is together.

James POV

We were all in our classroom amd we can hear the music from the Gryffindor common room. Then Harry Ron amd Hermione walked in. "Why aren't you guys at the party." "We didn't feel like it. Said Harry" "what was Carina doing." "Dancing with Mattheo Riddle related to Tom Riddle. Said Hermione" "what was she doing before that. Said Lily" "taking shots with Rose Dean and Semus. Said Ron" We all looked at each other. "Dad she's not the same. Said Harry" "we know Harry today she ditched class and before she always went to class never skipped." Minnie walked in with Ibuprofen. "What are those for Minnie. Said Marlene" "you'll need them in the morning. Said Minnie" "can you tell us what happened to Carina she's not the same anymore. Said Remus" "Well I acutally don't know after 3rd year she stop coming by but that's when you stop sending letters so that's when she stop caring. Said Minnie" "does she always throw parties. Said Marlene" "every weekend and bigger ones when they win but she throws them more after the Twins graduated she said she needs to keep up tradition. Said Minnie" "tell us about her Minnie. Said Sirius" "well her and Rose are know as the party girls and Carina and Mattheo Riddle the are know as the school's player's. They make a bet with each other every year to see who slept with the most people Carina always wins but Mattheo won once. Everyone loves Carina and Rose they are a duo you can't separate them. Carina is the seeker and captain they win all the time. Said Minnie" "they don't call her a whore or anything. Said Lily" "no they don't because they know they will get hit by Draco Malfoy Tom Riddle and Mattheo Riddle and Rose those five are a tight group. They don't leave each other their always together. Said Minnie" "but their Slytherins. Said Sirius" "Yeah Carina doesn't care she goes over to their house for breaks now Lyra she works more because she doesn't like to see Carina like this. She drinks more and we don't know if she does anything else. Said Minnie" Then someone came in. "Minnie we need you to take Dean to the hospital wing. Said Carina" "and why cant you Carina. Said Minnie" "because Mattheo and Rose is waiting for me we we're doing something before this. Said Carina" "minnie can you take me to the hospital wing. Said Dean" "oh dear Lord give me the boy. Said Minnie" Minnie grabbed Dean and Carina walked off with a bottle of fire whiskey in her hand and she was drinking it like it was nothing. We all followed her. "Carina." I yelled she just flipped me off and walked back into the common room. "I'm back bitches. Said Carina" We heard everyone cheer. "Minnies right. Said Lily" "she's gonna be hung over in the morning. Said Harry" "no she won't. Said 5th year" "why won't she. Said Sirius" "she never is now matter how much she drinks she's never hungover. Said 5th year" Then she walked off. "We gotta talk to Regulus and Lyra." "Yeah we're doing that tomorrow we won't have any classes. Said Lily"

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