Chapter 10

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Time Skip she's 17

Carina's POV

Today we are having a party we just won against Ravenclaw. I'm their captain and seeker. "Hey Rose are you coming to the party." "Hell yeah I am free shots. Said Rose" "I'll beat you again." "I know you will I hears we have new teacher's and some students. Said Rose" "again we just had a new teacher last year." "Yeah I guess let's just go see who they are." Me and Rose in the Gryffindor we are known as party girls we throw the best parties since the Weasley twins aren't here anymore we keep up the tradition. The whole school loves us we invite everyone to thw parties. We walked in the great hall and everyone cheered. "We won bitches." Everyone laughed and cheered more. We went and sat down its only me and Rose We each others best friends and sisters to each other.

James POV

We were sitting down when the great hall started to cheer. "We won bitches. Said Carina" We all stood up and saw Carina. Wow she's gotten big since the last time I saw her. "Is that Carina. Said Sirius" "it is." "What are they talking about. Said Lily" "they won against Ravenclaw. Said Dumbledore." "She's changed." "She has after 3rd year she wasn't the same always getting in trouble sometimes rude but she's not the same. Said Minnie" We all looked at each other. Then Carina stood up on the table. "Party in Gryffindor common room. Said Carina" Everyone cheered. "Oh god another one. Said Minnie" "what do you mean another one. Said Marlene" "she throws one every weekend. Said Minnie" "Alright everyone calm down. Let's welcome back the potters Sirius Black Remus Lupin and Marlene Mckinnion and Hermione Granger Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Said Dumbledore" The kids clapped.

Carina's POV

God their back me and Rose rolled our eyes. I told her what happened we tell each other everything. Then someone shouted my name. "Hey Carina. Said Dean" "what's up Dean." "Come here. Said Dean" "be back." I got up and walked to Dean. "What's up Dean." "Is their anymore spots on the team. Said Dean" "no I gave the other one to Hayley she's our new beater and she's bloody good at it. She almost knocked out Weasley." "Alright thank you. Said Dean" I gave him a kiss on the cheek on went back to Rose. "Ready for class. Said Rose" "no but let's go." We had the potters first we always sat in the back. We walked in and their was loads of kids and the professors were looking at us. Me and Rose sat down and started to talk we always did in class we we're super smart and already knew how to do it all but we had to go to class. "Alright class let's get started. Said James" They started to teach while me and Rose got bored. So we decided to ditch class when they weren't noticing.

James POV

The kids we're doing their work and we we're looking for Carina. "Wow she really has changed. Said Sirius" "where is she." "Has anyone seen Carina and Rose They were just in here. Said Lily" The older kids stayed quiet then a 1st year raised his hand. "They left class when you weren't looking. Said 1st year." "Thank you go ahead and get back to your work. Said Lily" "she's definitely changed. Said Marlene" We all nodded our heads. Then Harry came up to us. "Hey Harry so are you back in the team." "No Carina said their was no more spots she gave the last one to Ginny Ron's little sister. Said Harry" "oh I'm sorry. Said Lily" "it's fine. Said Harry." He went and sat back down and we continue to work.

His Unknown Daughter.-James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now