Chapter 39

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Carina's POV

Sirius walked in my room. "Don't just don't." I sat at the edge of my bed.

I fell to my floor. "Please just get out." "No Carina whether you like it or not I'm your uncle ok. Said Sirius." "I know ok I know now please just leave me alone." "No your not gonna push us away you just need to fight. Said Sirius." "I'm done fighting already everyone I have loved has died and I'm tired of being the cause of it." "Your not the cause of it and your not a murder. Said Sirius." "Yes I am now please just go because I can feel it please just go." "No I was like you alright my parents abused me and I thought I had no one to but i had your dad and your grandparents. They helped me live through my darkest times alright and I know what it's like not wanting to fight I been their before too but trust me if you do go on like this you'll regret it. Just keep fighting for this family because we need you and look I'm here and I don't regret my decision because I got Harry and I have you now I may have not see you grow up but I sure as hell see your mother in you and nobody wants you to leave alright. Said Sirius." "Just stop on stop please ok I get it it'll hurt you guys alright you don't understand I'm hurting to and it hurts me I don't want to go either but it's the only thing that will help me get rid of the pain." "No it. It won't get rid of it you may think it will but you'll see you are hurting other people and you will regret your decision. Said Sirius." I just cried on my floor. "I just want my mom I just want my mom." He kneeled infront of me. "I know what it's like to want your mom Carina I never had one till Mia came along. But don't push us away alright we all love you and we just want to see you happy. Said Sirius." "Can you get my dad please." He left the room then my dad came in and kneeled infront of me. "Hey it's ok. Said Dad." "Dad I don't want to die I just want the pain to go away." "I know princess I know and it will ok it will go away I promise you. Said Dad." "I'm sorry dad I'm sorry." "Hey it's alright you have nothing to be sorry for ok. Said Dad." I sat on my bed with my dad. He pulled me into a hug. "Dad I think I'm gonna go for a while to explore I think I need to do that." "Alright if you want to do that you can I'm not holding you back. Said Dad." "I don't know how long I'll be gone but I need to get away for a while." "Its alright I'm not mad I'm happy for you ok. Said Dad." I nodded and he kissed my head.

His Unknown Daughter.-James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now