Prologue Pt 1

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In a hospital there sat a mother and her child. This child had green hair and green eyes like his mother. He also had three freckles on each cheek. Then all of a sudden the room door burst open.

???: Inko! I'm here how are you?!

Inko: I'm fine dear just tried is all, giving birth to him was more tiring than I thought it would be.

???: Oh thank Oum your ok. Do you mind if I see him?

Inko: Not at all dear.

She then handed the baby over to her husband.

???: Oh look you, you look so much like your mother little one.

The baby then started to cry missing his mother.

Inko: Looks like he is not used to you yet. haha.

???: This moment is just to perfect.

Just then the doctor came into the room.

Doc: Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya I am happy to say that your son is a perfect and healthy baby. 

Inko: Thank you doctor.

Doc: Your welcome. Have you come up with a name for him?

Inko and her husband then looked at each other like they were thinking the exact same thing.

???: Yes we have doc.

Inko: (Y/N), (Y/N) Midoriya.

Doc: That will fit him perfectly. Congratulations you two and I wish you many happy years.

???: Thank you once again doctor.

With that the doctor excited the room, leaving the newly formed family there.

Inko: Welcome to Remnet, (Y/N).


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