Vol 3 Chpt 7 - Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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Everyone was in a panic as the Nevermore continued to weaken the shield. Y/n turns his head to see Shigaraki standing there with a smile on his face. Shigaraki turns around and walks towards the exits. Y/n was going to stop him, but the Nevermore had broken through shields and landed in front of him and Pyrrha. Ruby then grabs one of Penny's sword and steps in front of them with the sword in hand.

Ruby: Leave them alone!!

Nevermore: RRROOOAAARRR!!!

The Nevermore flew up in the air and began to circle Ruby ready to strike, but before it could multiple lockers flew into. Multiple students that were still in the arena came to get their weapons. Ruby then walks up to Sun and he hands her his scroll. Y/n looked at her with a small smile, but it soon faded when he remembered who he needed to face. Without anyone noticing, Y/n snuck away to get to Beacon. Once he was at the docking board for Amity Colosseum, he jumped off and began to dive towards Beacon's court yard. To stop himself from falling hard, he used Air Force to slow his fall. Once landed, he began to look for Shigaraki and sound found him.

Shigaraki: Took you long enough.

Y/n: Shigaraki. Why, Why are you doing this?

Shigaraki: Why do you think I'm doing Midoryia? I'm doing this because when I was younger I wanted to be a huntsmen. But my house hold forbid it. Every time I would ask about it, I was beaten. Then one day my sister went into our fathers study and found a photo of our grandmother. It turns it she was a huntsmen. Later that day my father confronted my and beat my for going in his study, that when I saw my sister crying saying I was the one who told her to go. That was when I snapped and unlocked my semblance. I killed every one of my family members that day. So to answer you question properly. I'm doing this to show people there is no hope and no one will come and save them.

Y/n: I won't let you do this.

Shigaraki:*smiles*Then try and stop me.

Y/n:(This is it. Today one day stand and the other will fall.)

The two stared at each other. This was it. The tension was very intense at they just stared at each other. In a split second, Shigaraki rushed at Y/n. He jumped back a few feet to stear clear of him, he still didn't know what Shigaraki's semblance was so he couldn't take any chances.

Shigaraki: What, are you afraid? How pathetic!

Shigaraki placed him palm onto the ground and it stared to decay. Y/n's eyes widen and he quickly swung his leg back.

Y/n: St. Luis Smash!

Shigaraki put his arm in front of him to block dust from getting in his eyes

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Shigaraki put his arm in front of him to block dust from getting in his eyes. While he was distracted, Y/n took the change to run at him. As he was doing so, he shot blackwhip at two light posts and used his strength to pull and throw them at Shigaraki. He regains his vision and dodges both of them. He places his hand on the ground and starts to drags it across and slash up sending decaying debris at Y/n. Y/n shoots a blackwhip line and pulls himself. Shigaraki gives chase to Y/n. He swings around the Beacon court yard at Shigaraki throws decaying debris at him. Y/n quickly shoots a blackwhip line and swings to the left. As he is swinging he notices that Grimm are attack Beacon and killing students. He looks back a Shigaraki with a angered look.

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