Volume 1 Pt 3 - The Truth

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At 7:30 in the morning a silhouette can be seen in the training area. The silhouette did 60 push ups, 40 squats, 60 sit ups, 45 burpees, 60 pull ups, 60 curls in each hand, and ran 45 miles. As the silhouette finished his workout, he made his way to his team door to shower and get ready for his first day at Beacon. As the silhouette entered the bathroom, he looked in the mirror and it is revealed to be Y/n Midoriya, team leader of team MIHT(Might).


Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima have final woken up, they were woken up by a loud ass whistle coming from across the hall. This pissed off Bakugou, but Kirishima was able to calm him down enough.

Bakugou: That little pipsqueak thinks that she can wake me up with a whistle! A damn whistle! What am I, an animal?!

Todoroki: No but you sure at like one.

This caused Y/n and Kirishima to laugh but quickly stop when Bakugou gave them a death glare

This caused Y/n and Kirishima to laugh but quickly stop when Bakugou gave them a death glare

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Y/n & Kirishima: (Oh crap)

Y/n: U-U-Uh K-Kacchan you should get ready for class. It's 8:20 now so it's best you get ready*nervous chuckle*


Y/n: S-Sorry Kacchan!

Todoroki watched the interaction between the two and started to figure out why Y/n ran away when he spotted Bakugou. He realized that Bakugou was Y/n bully, but he didn't know for how long though. Putting that aside he and Kirishima started to get ready for class when they heard Bakugou yell again.



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Team MIHT is in professor Ports class when on the intercom came on.

Goodwitch: Would Y/n Midoriya come to Ozpin's office, I repeat Y/n Midoriya come to Ozpin's office.

Bakugou: What did you do nerd!?

Y/n: I-I didn't do anything Kacchan I swear.

Kirishima: Whatever it is you better hurry. It sounded important.

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