Volume 2 Pt 2 - New Gear

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I was sit in professor Goodwitchs class watching Pyrrha beat the crap out of team CRDL. She is very skilled to say the least, but my main problem is why she doesn't show her semblance. It's been bugging me for the longest, but I shouldn't get into other personal business. As Pyrrha finished her match I was very eager to fight. Why you might ask? Well it's because I finally came up with my own unique way to fight. As Professor Goodwitch called for Blake to fight I raised my hand.

Me: I'd like to fight professor.

Goodwitch: Mr. Midoriya, you've never been so quick to fight before.

Me:*slight chuckle* Well, I've been feeling confident lately.

Goodwitch:*sigh* Well alright then. Who will be Mr. Midoriya's opponent?

???: I'd like to fight him.

I look to the crowd to see Mercury raising his hand.

Goodwitch: Well then Mr. Black, Mr. Midoriya come down to the stage.

Mercury went to the stage while I went to the locker room to go change. It's been about 15 minutes since I left to go change in the locker room and Mercury was getting impatient.

Mercury: Come on already, it's been like, 15 minutes already.

Goodwitch:*sigh* Due to Mr. Midoryia's inability to come, Mercury is the-


Suddenly a steam of green electricity was see throughout the air. Everyone looked up to see Y/n Midoriya in his new huntsmen gear.

 Everyone looked up to see Y/n Midoriya in his new huntsmen gear

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Y/n then came down to the ground sliding across the floor. Jaune, and Nora were in awe as to how cool he looked in his new gear, Ren, Pyrrha were impressed by his new looked.

Mercury: Woah, what's with the new look?

Y/n: For the days I was gone, i've been training my body so that I could use my semblance without hurting myself.

Mercury: Really?

Y/n:Yeah,*smirks* The is Full Cowling!

Yang: *whispers*You did it Y/n.

Mercury: Full Cowling huh? Well lets see good you are.

Goodwitch: Well then, start in 3...2...1...BEGIN!

Y/n and Mercury rush each other and clashed. Y/n pushed Mercury back and rushed him again. Mercury then did a bicycle kick which Y/n managed to block it. Y/n went for a three piece combo but Mercury managed to block all of them. Mercury then kicked Y/n in the face knocking him back. Y/n just smirk which confused Mercury. Y/n then ran straight towards Mercury. While Mercury was about to deliver another kick, Y/n slide underneath Mercury. Mercury was about to strike behind himself to hit Y/n, but he was gone. Mercury then looked up to see Y/n with his fist reeled back.

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