Prologue Pt 2

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~5 Years Later~

In school two kids can be seen playing huntsmen with each other.

???: Prepare yourself grimm for I Katsuki Bakugou, Lord Explosion King and my sidekick Deku with destroy you!

(Y/N): Kacchan look out behind you! *slashes air*

Katuski: Thanks for that Deku.

(Y/N): Your welcome Kacchan.

They were then interrupted by the teacher giving an announcement.

Teacher: Okay everyone gather round, I have an announcement to make.

All the student went quiet.

Teacher: Today you all will unlock your semblance!

All the student were cheering. They had forgotten that today was the day their semblances were supposed to come in.

(Y/N): Wow! Can you believe it Kacchan! Were going to unlock our semblances today!

Katsuki: Yeah! I'm so pumped!

Just them someone pushed (Y/N) to the ground and started laughing.

Random Bully 1: HaHaHa! Sorry Deku, didn't see you there! HaHaHa!

Katsuki: Hey! That wasn't nice apologize.

Random Bully 2: Or what you going to cry. HaHaHa!


Katsuki then put his hand in front of the bully and released a big explosion in the bullies face. Everyone was staring in awe as to what they saw. Then the teacher came in the room.

Teacher: What on Remnet is going on here!?

Random Student 1: Those two were picking on (Y/N) and then Katsuki got mad and then he use his semblance on the bullies to make them stop.

Teacher: Katsuki...used his... semblance?

Random Student 2: Yeah he used his semblance! It was a big explosion! It was so cool!

Teacher: Well Katuski it looks like your semblance is Explosion.

Katsuki then looked at his hands and a giant simile came to his face.

(Y/N): Wow kacchan. You have such an amazing semblance. You'll make the best huntsmen, i'm sure of it.

About a month later everyone in the class has unlock their semblance, everyone expect (Y/N).

Teacher: Don't worry (Y/N), you'll unlock your semblance soon.

(Y/N):*crying* O*hic*O-O-ok. 

After school (Y/N) was walking home until he heard whimpering. He went to see what it was and it was a little pup beowulf badly injured.

(Y/N): Hey, Hey, it's okay i'm not going to hurt boy or girl.

The beowulf still cautious of (Y/N) back away. Then (Y/N) got an idea. He then reached in backpack and pulled out a poptart.

(Y/N): Here it's food you know like the stuff you eat, well not you because you know how grimm eat humans and sometimes each other to show dominance. But then again it grimm were mindless creatures then they wouldn't do that. But then again some grimm look like animals so it is fair that they would act that way.

While (Y/N) was muttering the beowulf pup tited it's head to the side confused and why a human would talk so much. After a while of muttering (Y/N) looked at the beowulf.

(Y/N): Oh sorry about that sometimes I talk a lot it's a habit. *Rubbing his nape*

Then the beowulf licked his hand, which shocked (Y/N).

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