Volume 3 Pt 5 - What Destiny Holds

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After their fight, team MIHT got a lot more attention then they normally would get. All the girls started to hang out with Y/n more than the others though. Bakugou had to scare them away so he could get away. Y/n was able to get to amity Colosseum to see Weiss and Yang's match.

Y/n was about to give his congratulations to the girls, he scroll went off. He looked to see that it was a text from Ozpin saying to come to his office. Without them noticing Y/n quickly makes his way towards Ozpin's office to see what is it that he wants. He makes it to his office to find that Pyrrha is also there.

Pyrrha: Y/n, what are you doing here?

Y/n: I was gonna ask the same thing. Why is she here Oz?

Ozpin: I'll get to that. Well then Pyrrha, what is your favorite fairy tale?

Pyrrha: Well there's the tale of the two brothers, the shallow sea, the girl in the tower...

Ozpin: What about the story of the four seasons?

Pyrrha then explains the story and Y/n realizes what Pyrrha was called here for. She was going to be the next maiden.

Y/n: Ozpin you can't do this!

Pyrrha: Do what? What's going on?

Y/n: Do you realize the pressure your gonna put on Pyrrha? I already have enough of it as it is!

Pyrrha: What are you talking about Y/n?

Ozpin: You should tell her.

Pyrrha: Tell me what?

Y/n:*sigh*Pyrrha, are you familiar with the huntsmen All Might?

Pyrrha: But of course. He was the greatest huntsmen to ever walk Remnant. Why do you ask?

Y/n: Because he.....was my father.


Y/n: It hard to believe, but yes. All Might was my father, sadly he lost his life protecting me and my mother from a very dangerous person.

Pyrrha: Why are you telling me this?

Y/n: I'm getting to that. Anyway, when I was younger I was told I would never get a semblance, but that wasn't the whole truth. I did have a semblance, it just didn't show.

Pyrrha: How can a semblance not show itself? That impossible right?

Ozpin: In normal circumstances yes. But in Y/n case, no it's not. His semblance is unique.

Pyrrha: How unique?

Y/n: My semblance chose me.

Pyrrha: I beg your pardon?

Y/n: The truth is, my semblance is one that was past down from generation to generation in hopes of stopping a great evil, and now it is my job to stop this evil and your as well.

Pyrrha: Mine's as well? What do you mean?

Ozpin: The reason I called you here is because we believe that you Pyrrha Nikos are next in line to inherit the fall maidens powers.

Pyrrha: We?

The elevator door opens to see Glynda and Ironwood inside.

Pyrrha: Wait what is this? Who are you?

Y/n: Pyrrha, we are the same people you met, just with a few secrets.

Everyone is in the elevator and as it goes down Pyrrha looks uncomfortable. Y/n noticed this and puts his hand over Pyrrha's shocked her for a second, but she soon calms down.

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