Short - Room For Improvement

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This chapter will explain what happened between the days that Y/n to train with Gran Torino
It was 7 hours since Y/n left Beacon to improve One For All and he was starting to miss his friends. But he was missing Ruby even more. As he was thinking about her, he started to blush. He's shook his head, trying to forget, but it failed. Gran Torino saw him distracted by something so he smacked him.

Y/n: Ow! What was that for?!

Torino: Your thinking about her, aren't you?

Y/n:*confused* Who?

Torino:*smirks* The little rose

Y/n then started blushing and trying to decline Gran Torino's claim. After a little while of riding on the bullhead, Y/n and Gran Torino made it to Gran Torinos apartment. Once inside Y/n looked unimpressed.

Y/n: So....this is your place?

Torino: Yeah, what do you think?

Y/n: It's um...suitable I guess.

Torino:*stands in the center of the room* Well enough chit-chat, get in your gear.

Y/n then left to go put on his huntsmen gear. Once Y/n returned from the bathroom he was fixing his new gloves and looking impressed that Ozpin was able to get a new suit for him.

Y/n:*turing around in a circle*So, what do you think?

Y/n:*turing around in a circle*So, what do you think?

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Y/n: Pretty cool right?

Torino: I guess but enough talking, show me your semblance.

Y/n:*gets worried* R-Right now? I mean this place isn't really that big show me using me semblance could-

Gran Torino then does a high speed kicks knocking Y/n down to the ground. Gran Torino then pins Y/n down.

Torino: Your still thinking that your semblance is special. Try think like your friends, maybe they might give you an idea of how to use your semblance.

With that Gran Torino left the apartment leaving Y/n in his thoughts

Y/n:(Think like my friends.)

Then it hit Y/n like a bullet train.

Y/n:*grabs notebook and starts writing* Instead of using it like a weapon like Crescent Rose, I should use it like it's an extension of myself, like Blake's Shadows. Then that way I would won't be at such a disadvantage in battle.

Outside the apartment was Gran Torino, he was smiling at the thought that he finally got it right.

Torino:(He really is like you Toshi, smart, helpful, caring, and above of else willing to save others. You would be proud)


Y/n came down from the guest room to see Gran Torino making so french toast sticks.

Y/n: Morning*Yawns*Gran Torino.

Torino: Afternoon actually*looks up*nice fit you got there.

Torino: Afternoon actually*looks up*nice fit you got there

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Y/n: Yea...wait did you just say "fit"?

Torino: Of course I did. Isn't was you kids use nowadays?

Y/n:*confused* know what lets just forget about.

Y/n and Gran Torino sit down at the table to eat the french toast stick when Y/n decided to speak up.

Y/n:*eating* I figured it out.

Torino:*eating* Figured what out?

Y/n:*Stops eating* How to control One For All.

Torino:*interested* Oh did you now? Show me.

Y/n then got up from the table and stood in the center of the room. After a while his body started to glow

 After a while his body started to glow

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Y/n:(One For All....Full Cowling!)

Torino:*impressed* Wow. So what do you call this new technique?

Y/n: I call this new technique....Full Cowling. 

Torino: Full Cowling? Why that?

Y/n: Because instead of using it in one part of my body, I use it across my entire body.

Torino: Well then....

Y/n: Huh?

Gran Torino then uses his semblance to zip around and lands on the wall.

Torino: ...Lets get your training started.

Y/n:*smirks*Lets do this!

Y/n & Torino:*Charges at each other* HAAAAAAA!!


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