Volume 3 Pt 3 - In Search Of A Guardian

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After team MIHT's victory they all decided to go spend the day however they wanted. Bakugou and Yang went out, Weiss took Todoroki to meet her sister, Kirishima asked Blake is she could take him to the library, and Y/n went to spend the day with his mom. He gets ready and meets her at the entrance of Beacon.


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Inko: Oh this is going to be so fun!

Y/n: Yeah! So what do you want to do first mom?

Inko: Why don't we see your dorm room! I want to make sure that your taking care of you and your team since your the leader.

Y/n: Alright mom, follow me.

Y/n then leads his mom to his dorm room and shows her what's inside. In the right corner of the room was some weights and workout magazines that belonged to Kirishima. Near Todoroki's bed was a book that said How to Kill Your Dad And Make It Look Like An Accident. Inko looked at Y/n and he told her not to worry about it. In the front left corner was a bunch of notebooks labeled Semblance Vol 1-13. On the wall near Bakugou's bed was a poster of a band that read Skillet.

Inko: Your dorm room certainly is something Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah, the guys are a little weird, but who isn't.

Inko: I guess your right.

Y/n then felt his scroll go off. He checked it and saw a text from Professor Ozpin.

Y/n: Hey mom, Professor Ozpin wants to see me.

Inko: Ozpin? I haven't seen him since your father....

Inko then became sadden to the thought of what happened that day. She couldn't believe it has been that long since her husband died.

Y/n:*hugs his mother* Hey, it going to be okay mom. I'll see you later Yea?

Inko: Of course! Say hello to Ozpin for me.

Y/n: I will!

Y/n then runs off towards Professor Ozpin's office. On the way there he sees a crowd. Wanting to see what's going on, he checks it out to see two people having an arguement. It was a guy with a red cape with a big sword on his back and what looks like a taller version of Weiss. He then sees the Weiss look alike grab her weapon and rush the cape guy.

Y/n:(Oh no!)

Thinking fast, Y/n uses BlackWhip and shoots two cables to two separate lamp post. He then slingshots himself into the air. Everyone catch's notice of this.

Weiss look alike: What on Renment?

Red Cape: The hell?

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