Volume 2 Pt 1 - New Friends or Enemies?

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Kirishima:*walking* Where are we going again?

Y/n:*walking* To Uncle Tuskens bookstore.

Kirishima: Wait your Uncle?

Y/n: Yeah, but Tuskens not really my uncle, I just grew up knowing him that's all. Tusken use to baby sit me when my mom was at work. I haven't seen him since, well forever.

Kirishima started to laugh which caused Y/n to laugh as well. Soon enough Y/n and Kirishima made it to a store the read Tusken Book Trade.

Once the pair got inside Kirishima went to the comic section while Y/n went to the front desk and ran the bell.

???: Coming. Be there in a second.

After a couple of seconds a tall man with sideburns came from the back of the store.

After a couple of seconds a tall man with sideburns came from the back of the store

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Tusken: Welcome to-

Y/n: Hey Uncle Tusken, long time no see.

Tusken: Y/n!*hugs him*Its been forever since I saw you! Man have you ground!

Y/n:*nervous chuckle*I guess it has been a while huh?

Kirishima:*Somewhere in the store* HE DID WHAT?! THAT'S SO UNMANLY!

Tusken:*chuckles* Seems you brought a friend.

Y/n: Yeah. His name Ejiro Kirishima, one of my teammates.

Tusken: Well, I still have some stuff to put up in the back so why do you help me out like you use to, huh?

Y/n:*smiles* I would love to Uncle Tusken.

Tusken then left to work in the back. As Y/n was working the front of the store, two people walked in.

 As Y/n was working the front of the store, two people walked in

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???: I'm going to the comic section.

???: I'm going to the comic section

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