Chapter 8: Skip does another epic battle!

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As the Megamax Charizard zoomed into the sky at a high speed, blue flames the size of the ozone shot out of its wings, covering the sky and the clouds and the sun of Galar in a shet of blue and black smoke, roasting all the birds that got in the way which fed all the hungry kids down below  and warming up people's houses everywhere which the Circherster people liked a lot.

Few minutes later, they dropped by Magnolia's house and immediately noticed two things: that Magnolia locked her house which was on fire, and that there where a bunch of more history dudes outside! Napoleon Boarapate as there too! And he was with...Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon! They where all welding some Poker balls. Nixon had a battle axe and Churchill had a gateling gun and Napoleon had a Dynamax!

"WTFFFFF WHAT IS HAPPEN" Hop danced around screaming like a baby who could jump and dance.

Bede used tekekinenic powers to stop Hop and yelled "Now's not the tim to go running around like you have some craps sh*tting up your knickers! This is the time, to FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!1!!!!"

As the history dudes and Skip's team stared down each other, they all readied their weapons. Skip activated his Boommax, Bede was ready to do his wizard thing, Tom whipped out and spun his pistol and Poke balls like those dudes in Red Deed Redemption, and Hop only has a Scorbunny and Rookidee and a large stick he found from the ground a few minutes ago and so he held it and his bunny like a machine gun to look scary. Then everyone sent out their Pokes (Thats what ill call them from now cause typing Pokemon all the tim takes tooo long!) like mad!!!!!!!!!

There where like 30 Pokes brawling at each other and six or seven dudes charging at each other I cant quite remmeber lol! Skip was exploding the enemies and their pets all over but people from both sides where throwing revives at each other's Pokes like a confetti throwing party with revives  and Hop threw one at Napoleon Binoparnte's poke and felt real bad about it!

Tom was busy both vommanding his Pokes while also firing his guns but he realised they kept living even without revives!

"WTFFFFFF" he went and then Nixon was chassing him with his axe. Bede used his mind control to get the history dudes to hit themselves cause thats quite funny but he got bored so he gave up on that and instead held out and used his Psy Kick power to stop Churchill's bullets like in the Matrix and watch the movie if you dont know what that looks like!

Napoleon Bonipanto then did a DYNAMAX! His pole expanded like a bamboo and was crushing all the grass and cliffs around and it was getting quite noisy. Fire and sunlight was raining all around and things got crazier. Tom Dynamaxed his poke also but it hit the grassy ground too hard which was super effective as his poke was water and it went BOOMMMM and faint.

"We arent gonna make it.!" Tom wimpered as he shot all of his bullets out.

"We need to pull through! TO SAVE GALAR" SKIP yelled with a hope in his heart, exploding even more stuff than he ever did before and he exploded all trees and the ground and the clouds which meased up Magnolia's lawn quite a bit and made her quit mad as she watched them from her house.

Just then, the history dude's mons have gone away! The zombies looked around all weird and wondered in confusion then a WOMEN flew out of the sky screaming "HIIIIIYAH!" and kicked them all IN THE FACE! She was...Diane!

Her Dynamax band was glowing all deep blue, and she similed right at Skip and Tom.

"Hii guys! I herd some trouble going on here and so I wanted to pay you guys back!" she said cheerily. "This
is a DISABLEMAX band! It makes all of the people's Pokes unable to be used so we can just GET INTO THE ACTON!"

"Awesome!" Skip yelled. "Now, let's REALLY do this!!"

Everyone returned their Popes because now its no longer the time for that, but time for REAL HAND COMBAT!

Churchill got up and loaded and shoted his gateling gun again but then Skip ran too him. He was dodging all the bullets as he came into 0 point range and slapped it out of his hands before using his secert agent boots which had tungsen spikes reinforced with platinum on their bottoms to boot him in the brain! Green zombie blood went SPLASSSHHH out of his head like the water works made of the Hulk's piss and Skip used Boommax to explosion him again and he died!

He looked at Churchill's gun and though of picking it up and using it against the other zombies but then decided that his fists where good enough. He took out the boot spikes and punched them flying at Nixon who was rushing to him swinging his axe which hit him in the chest so hard that the spnic waves from the hit made all of his bones and skins cracked instantly and that included his skull and so he dead too, and he went splattery slpat very awesomely from the force. The place started to loik like a whole Nickleodon show!

Everyone else tried to get Napoleon Bonaplart but he was shorter than the other zombies where so he was extra faster than they were and hes going all Aladdin on them (Not the one with the creepy gene lmao!)! It got quite annoying pretty fast as he was too fast. Skip took a deep breath and then his time slowed down so that he was able to use his secret agent legs to LEAP into the air like a delirous leaping bullfrog with hopes to see the moon for itself and tackled Napoleon Boneapenti! He plunged the bouncy small dude headfirst into the ruined slimy grounds with as much force as possible before he could dodge out of the way, and ending the fight!

"Whew, that was...FUN!" Skip lolled all happy, checking his high teck phone and looking up the health app. "I wonder how many cals that burned!"

Diane noticed something and went find something lying in the head of Napoleon Binapolada!

"Guys!" she mumbled to make everyone look, andtook out...a paper! Which was actually a note but it smelt kinda bad cause it was in his brain juice and thats quite gnarly. She unfolded it and it said...

"Congradulation! For beating this zomby dude you guys have won a 42 day vacation to Sinnoh cause you r real strong and awesom! Meet me in person at Spikemuth lol don't bring any weapons or Pokes because this is totally reel and theres no need :))))))))"

"OMG! That sounds awesome!" Hop yelled. "Sure does!" Skip yelled along, "We must head there immediately in case theres also a clue to find whos leaving all these zombies around! And also if the vacatio is real because this chum really needs one lol!"

Magnolia then went outside and smacked everyone over the heed for messing with her lawn but then similed and said "Though my f*cking f*ck lawn has been f*cking ruined to sh*t due to your little f*cking antics...I'll say, thanks for coming to hell me. You f*ckers.", waving as they went off to Spikemyth.


The MSYTERY dude with the hoody was still watching them from the camera on Magnolia's house then started to change his clothes!?! He wore a gloves to hide his bands and a hoody again cause he fell cold. He did his hair in a polytail to fit his big hair into the hoody and put on some shoes which had pistols strapped as heals as real high heels were too pricy. He pierced his ears to slip on earrings with shotguns and put a pant which had like 16 pockets and shaved off his gotee and went out to meet the last! WTF? Find out more SOON!

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