❝ come get your mans. ❞

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note: mido and mujo will NOT be love interests, i think you all know why, but i will make them brother-ish figures

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note: mido and mujo will NOT be love interests, i think you all know why, but i will make them brother-ish figures

• ꕥ •

(Name) was put in the wrong class, of course this would happen, but she would have to deal with this. She had made her way to a seat, it was next to her older brother, Taro. She looked up at the front of the room, seeing that the man's eyes from when she had stepped into the door was still on her.

"Miss, is there a reason why you're late?" His voice was low, causing some girls in the class to simp. In his head, the older man laughed. His eyes were still on the chubby girl.

"Uh, I'm new, and I'm not exactly sure if I'm supposed to be here or not." (Name) says. "I'm a first-year and I'm pretty sure this is a third-year classroom, so I'm not exactly sure."

"Oh. Have you talked to the headmaster about this?" (Name) nodded her head, saying that he was 'busy,' (Name) putting her fingers in peace sign positions and curling them up when she said busy, the man brought his hand towards his chin, "Alright, I'll talk to the other teachers about this."


"During lunchtime, but for now, I'll go ask the one of the first-year teachers for an assignment for you because I don't think you want to do third-year work." The young man says, (Name) nodded, thanking him, "No problem. I'll be back."

The man left the class, closing the sliding doors, the students all took out their phones, all texting or just playing games on it. (Name) turned to look at her brother, he was looking down at his phone.

"Taro." (Name) says, her brother looks up from his phone and turns towards her, "Who's he?"

"The teacher?" Taro asked, a nod comes from his sister, he sighed before speaking, "He's a substitute, he's a bit popular with the girls, his name is Mr. Rana, to be honest, I'm surprised the guy's not fired yet." (Name) rose her eyebrow in confusion.

"How come?"

"He has girls fighting over him, it's just weird because he's in his mid-twenties, the first-year girls love him so much, you don't like him, right?"

"God no." (Name) assures Taro, "I mean sure he's attractive, but I'm pretty sure he'd be arrested for dating any of the students-"

"Oh, good." Taro sighed in relief, the sliding door that was closest to the podium had just opened, revealing Mr. Rana, he walked up to (Name) and handed her a couple of sheets.

"Here you are, they're going to last you a week, so whenever you need new ones, just say so." The teacher's low voice says, (Name) just nodded as a thank you, he went back up to the front of the room. When he turned around, facing the class, writing his name on the board.

Mr. Rana

"As you may know, your teacher is gone." Mr. Rana says, looking at the crowd of students, "So, please be on your best behavior."


The bell finally rang, (Name)'s excited to be out of the sketchy teacher's classroom. Students rushed to find their friends and eating places. (Name) and Taro waited to meet up with Hanakō, along with one of Taro's childhood friend, Osano.

Taro and (Name) sit on a bench on the rooftop, they see Osano and Hanakō walking towards them. Waves comes from Hanakō.


this has been a draft for months-

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