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"What the hell is going on?!"

You look to your left, seeing Ayato from lunch, he looked like a he was about to kill a bitch, oh wait he might.

The black haired boy walked over to you, he grabs your chubby wrist, and puts you in his grasp, out of Megamo's.

The black eyes meet yours, he gave a gentle smile, before looking back at Megamo's face.

"What do you want from her, she obviously doesn't want you near her." A heartless reply comes from Ayato's mouth.

"That is none of your business, Mr. Aishi, she is my future wife—" He stops himself, your E/C eyes widened.

"W-Wife?!" You call out, Ayato looks at him in discust, he obviously had enough and picks you up from the ground, putting his arms around you, and your legs between his body.


"I got you, we just need to leave that freakshow.."

The student council president wanted that to be him, but after all he's done to you, was it really worth trusting him anymore?

Ayato was walking down the stairs, you told him about Mido wanting you to meet with him after class, Ayato said you were safe with him, but he had to go to some sort of club.

"We're leaving after this." The emotionless voice returned, but he wouldn't let you go when he stopped to knock on a door.

"Come in.." A voice is heard from inside, you look at Ayato, he looks at you, and he just put some of your hair behind your ear.

He enters the room, you see that all it is, is pitch black and the only light source is a computer.

"I see you brought her in here, she's quite hard to get these days." The chair on the desk twirls, revealing a redhead, he has a smirk on his face.

"Hello, Y/N.."

Ayato puts you down, he doesn't show one bit of tiredness, despite carrying your chubby body.

"Is your arms tired?"

He shook his head, he said that he's carried heavier things, totally not those 50 kilogram dumbbells.

You nodded and your eyes met with the mysterious redhead, he smirks softly.

"Who are you?"

"Info-kun, I give people information about other students, teachers, basically anything in this school, I know how to get."

"So, there's no point of telling you my name?" Info-kun nodded, he gets up from his chair and walks over to you.

"Y/N Yamada, your brothers are missing, correct?"

"Mhm, Taro and Hanakō, they've been missing for almost three months.."

"I see, the two boys were last seen walking together out of school, according to police reports."

"Info, she needs to get out of here as soon as possible, Mido and Mujo are looking for her, there's many others who are probably looking for her." Ayato's voice interrupts the conversation.

"Fair enough, bring her here soon, or are you two friends or something?"

"We're hanging out on Friday, wanna come with us?"

The redhead didn't talk for a little while, he blinked before talking, he shrugged, "Why not? I haven't been outside in a while."

That turned the conversation a little awkward, you just nodded, and smiled to lighten up the mood.

"..Ayato, take her home, those two teachers are still looking for her, got it?"

Ayato's black eyes closed, he nods his head, and picks you up the way he carried you away from Megamo.

"You'll be fine with me.."

You nervously nodded, his hand opens the door, and he started walking, almost a jog.

You hear a chunk of footsteps, you look up from Ayato's shoulder, seeing the two teachers looking for you.

"Ayato.. we need to go." You say in a nervous tone, he looks back and sees the two teachers, meeting his black eyes.

Ayato runs down the staircases, he never looks back, but you see the two teachers, who have done some of the most unthinkable things, just for you.

"Oh fuck."

The black haired boy was now being chased by your many lovers, nice day it is, isn't it?

You see your boys, Megamo and Aso joining in on the chase, you see that Aso is gaining up fast, the fucking sports club leader is fast as frick.

You see your boys, Megamo and Aso joining in on the chase, you see that Aso is gaining up fast, the fucking sports club leader is fast as frick

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(if you have seen the croods, you'll understand what's going on)

Ayato's speed is enough to beat him to the gates, the chase doesn't end there and he runs into his neighborhood.

"Oh damn, that was a heck of a chase, you need some water, don't ya?"

Ayato's body was sweating, he nodded while rushing into the house, he puts you down as soon as he walks in.

"Ayato!~" A quirky voice is heard as soon as the door opens.


i'm keeping ayato's mommy and daddy the same, so yea yeet


hope this chapter was somewhat funny uwu, maybe a third update will come, who knows uwu

have a good day/night smol beans



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