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The morning was normal, just as if Hanakō and Taro weren't missing, but that wasn't the point.

You and your mother had talked about what happened last night, you decided to try and ignore Osano for today.

"Mom! I'm off, see you tonight!"

You see your mother reply with a smile and tell you 'I love you.'

You walk out the door and head to school, Osano was nowhere in sight.

On your way there, a tap on your shoulder, you look behind your shoulders and see Oko.

"Oko! Long time no see!" The fagile boy slightly smiled and waved.

"How are you doing?"

He shrugged, "I-I've been better, how about y-you?"

"I can agree with your statement."

The two of you talked, before you looked at the time, the two of you exchanged numbers and went separate ways.

Waving at him, Oko showed a tint of red and shyly waved back, he looked back at his route and started walking.

The short journey up to class 3-2 was beginning, a tap was placed on your shoulder.

You looked over your shoulder and see Mujo, he was his usual smiley self.

"Hi there H/Cie!~"

"Hey, Mujo!" The greeting was nice, nothing out if the ordinary when you talked to him.

"You look tired? Are you okay?"

You nodded softly, as if yesterday never happened, having to cut the conversation short, you told him you had to get to class.

He had a sad face plastered on his face, he waved anyways and gave a smile.

You walked to your classroom, not looking back. It wasn't you ignoring him, but the bell was about to ring.

You sighed as you got into your seat, Mido was still substituting the classroom. This was his sixth week, he was still flirting with girls, but you were his "star."

You had eventually had come to the conclusion that he wasn't a bad person, he may flirt, but he's still a relatable person.

Today, well today, he was later than usual, noticing you as a matter a fact, because little Musume needed 'help' with tutoring.

"Mr. Rana, I-I don't get the lesson, please help me~"

"Musume, you have grades that do not need help, please go sit down."


"No, sit down, or you'll be going to the guidance counselor."

She goes off fake crying and the students try not to chuckle, then that's when you caught his eye.

Mido starts handing out papers from a recent test, Mido starts at front, after a few seconds, he's near your desk.

"Here you are, Ms. Yamada." He hands you a paper, you look at it, and you look at the grade, it was a B.

"That's a big step-up, keep it up."

You usually got D's or even F's, this was surprising to you, you give Mido a small smile and he returned the smile.

The lunch bell rang and up you went, you grab your bag and head up to the rooftop, something to you was about to happen.



yeah it's short, sorry for not updating, i'll be updating hopefully twice this week to make up for it, thank you guys for your time and support on this book


𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐑 ❣︎ yandere simulator (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now