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The two of you looked in the direction of where the voice came from, it was pitch black, so seeing anything would be hard.

"Osano, let her go."

Laughing insanely, Osano didn't move, he just got closer to you, but since it was hard to do see, you were able hear grunts of pain.


"Y/N! It's okay, I'm here."

It was the voice from earlier, it was a male, but his face was unknown.

He takes put his phone and puts on his flashlight setting, putting to his face, you start staring at him.

Suddenly, it all came back to you.


The martial arts club leader's gaze was on your chubby figure, he nodded happily.

"You okay?"

You nodded as he put his hands on your shoulders, he smiled, and pulled you into a hug.

"It's been a while, hasn't it Yamada?"

"Mhm, you haven't changed since middle school."

He chuckled softly as the hug was coming to it's end, he ruffled your hair and finally asked what you were doing out at eleven at night.

Explaining what happened, you tell Budo in a little bit of a fragile tone.

"..Y/N, we need to tell the police, your mother can't just throw you out like that."

"I-It's okay, I can just sleep out here, besides no one would mind!"

"I would! Y/N, please come to my house.."

You sighed and shook your head, "Budo, I appreciate it, I really do, but my mom could've been high or something, that's why I need to go home."

Budo was about to protest but he gave in and agreed, only if he got to come with you.

You told him to follow you and the two of you made your way to the Yamada household.

тhє уαмα∂α hσυѕєhσℓ∂

Your chubby hand knocks on the door, a few seconds, the door opens, revealing your mother.

Her black eyes widened, she automatically started apologizing, she must've been drinking.

"I'm such a stupid mother, I failed Taro and Hanakō, Y-You said you texted me, not called me.."


"Fucking hell, Y/N, please come here.."

Your mother immediately grabbed your hands and brings you into a hug, sobbing in your shirt.

Your mother was struggling to be the woman she usual is, but she still doesn't have an excuse for the way she acted towards you yesterday.

The hug was for moments, Budo was eventually sent home by you.

"I heard you say text, not a phone call, but I was still stupid and sent you out in the night."

"It's not the end of the world.." You say to her with a bitter tone, you walk upstairs to your room.

The mother sighed, regretting the way she treated you when she kicked you out of the house.

Eventually the two went to bed and the morning was a new one.


hello, i know it's been a while, so i am to say sorry, i know you all deserve more updates and that's what you will get soon.

thanks for being patient with my snail-like writing

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐑 ❣︎ yandere simulator (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now