BFB (I.N x Felix AU)

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Typical story of having a crush on your best friends brother.

WARNING: Feminine!Felix because I said and other people seem to like it.


Jeongin would consider himself a pretty shy guy. Only branching out and being himself when he was around his friends. He stayed to himself if he wasn't around his friends.

But when he seen Felix, he had a desire to be himself as much as possible.

The older boy with his soft smile and pretty freckles always caught Jeongin's eye.

Only problem was, Felix was Chan's little brother.

Chan was his best friend.

It would kill Chan if he knew that his friend was crushing on his little brother.

He didn't want to lose Chan as a friend either so he let his crush, just be a crush.

At least he tried.

Chan had invited the younger friend over to his house for a hang out as the school day came to an end. Changbin and Hyunjin would be joining them.

"Sure. Why not?" Jeongin smiles. He got to hang out with his best friend and see his crush.

He couldn't find a down side.

"Cool. We should head there now, god knows Felix is going to try to hog the living room tv for him and his friends." Chan laughs.

Jeongin just laughs along and follows his friend outside to the student parking lot.

Changbin and Hyunjin waited by Chan's car. The two leaning against it as they were making out.

Chan approached the car. Opening his door to honk the horn, starling the two making out.

"Fuck! Hyung!" Hyunjin shouts as he held his chest.

"Don't make out on my car." Chan glares and gets into the driver seat.

Jeongin laughs at the two before getting into the passenger side.

"He has a point." Changbin sighs and rubs his boyfriends arm.

Hyunjin looked at him with squinted eyes and crossed his arms.

"No touching." Hyunjin states and turns with a huff to get in the car.

"Wait, for how long!? Babe!?"


The four boys enter Chan's house with laughter at what Hyunjin said.

"Channie hyung!" Felix peeks up from over the couch to run over to his older brother. Hugging him tightly as he reached him.

"Hey Lixie." Chan ruffles his younger brothers hair.

Chan and Felix were both really close. They've been through a lot with their family situation.

You see, Chan's and Felix's are parents spilt.

Dad took Chan while Mom took Felix. Chan was born in Korea while their parents were on vacation to meet family. They went back to Australia afterwards. A few years later, having Felix in Australia. When the parents spilt the two at young teen years, Chan lived in Korea while Felix lived in Australia still. The two only meeting not so long ago in Korea because of their Mom passing. (A/N: DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? I TRIED SO HARD TO MAKE SURE IT DID?? MY BRAIN MAKES IT SEEM LIKE IT DOES??)

Jeongin always adored how the younger looked up to Chan.

"Innie!" Felix turn to the maknae of the group and hugged him just like Chan. Jeongin happily hugging back.

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