My Kids (OT8 AU)

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Where Chan loves his kids and his kids love him.

WARNING : the kids are actually kids and chan is their teacher!


Chan worked at Sunshine Daycare. He has worked there since he finished high school about 5 years ago. He loved working with kids and the kids loved being with him. He had a thing for working with kids since he felt he was a kid at heart.

He worked with the kids who needed a little more attention.

First off, he had Minho. He was a feisty four year old who didn't like to listen. He always was causing trouble. He would hide toys, play with his food, not want to come in when recess was over and all the other things you could think of when you were a four year old. He did have a soft spot for one of the other kids though. He would always calm down when paired with him for something and would be quiet when playing with him as the younger got scared with loud noises.

Then you had Changbin. He was three years old and could probably lift Chan if he let him. He was a strong kid. Always wanting to prove he was by lifting random objects in the room when other kids would challenge him. Being that way, he also came off as rough. He has gotten in trouble a few times for accidentally shoving another student too hard durning tag or pulling hair of a student who picked on him for a looking a little chubbier then the others but one thing was for sure. The boy was cuddlier. Always all over the kids and wanting to hug them.

Then Chan's favorite, not that he tell anyone, was Hyunjin. He was three years old and was the sweetest thing on the planet. He could draw pretty good for a three year old as well. He would always excel when they did arts and crafts. Problem was, he was a very awkward boy too. He couldn't speak to the other students very well. Not even to Chan sometimes. The teacher remembers one incident durning nap time where Hyunjin had woken up and had to pee but couldn't ask Chan so he wet his mat. He ended up crying his eyes out and screaming till his Mom came and got him.

Now Jisung was the other half to Minho's duo. Despite being two years younger then the oldest student, he would follow him like a lost puppy. He liked following in his footsteps till Chan had to discipline them and Jisung would end up crying saying it was all Minho's fault. Other then that, Jisung was a really good kid. Very hyper and had lots of energy. When it was recess time, Chan would make sure to let the boy get all his energy out before nap time that followed. Also never feeding him too much sugar because he would be bouncing off walls.

Felix then followed the boy. He was also three and shared a birthday with Jisung. Chan remembering how they celebrate the birthdays together with plenty of cupcakes and juice, (where he learn that Jisung didn't need) One thing Felix struggled with was his language. The boy was already three and learning two languages at the same time. Learning English and Korean from his parents so sometimes the boy would spit out words that didn't make sense which the confused the other kids. Even with the language barrier, he would still manage to be the loudest.

Seungmin was the last one of the three's. He was a smart kid. He liked reading all the books that Chan would bring for him. Sometimes even asking Chan for bigger books to challenge himself. The problem with him was that he had a stutter. Not being able to pronounce big words without slipping up. They would have class read time where Seungmin would always hide in the back with Hyunjin to avoid talking in front of everyone.

The youngest of them all was two years old and not the typical "terrible two's" everyone mentions. Jeongin was again, a quiet boy, and usually stuck to Chan's side. Just sitting by him while he did paperwork or following him around to help with chores. Even durning nap time, he would try to sit up and hang out with the teacher. Always having a hard time sleeping in general since he was in a different environment then his home.

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