Nothing Wrong With Falling In Love (Lee Know x Hyunjin AU)

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Not everything is what it seems.

WARNING : This is a girl!au basically like the family role play thing because this is inspired by YourLittl3Ang3l !!


"Changbin, why are you picking on your brother?" Hyunjin bends down and picks up the crying five year old.

"He wouldn't leave me alone! I had to do something!" Changbin argues back.

"That doesn't mean you need to be mean!" Hyunjin shushes the crying boy.

"Whatever." Changbin rolls his eyes and goes back to his phone as he left the room.

Hyunjin shakes her head as she bounces the boy on her hip and tries to continue her cooking.

"Hey honey, did you remember that Seungmin and Minho are coming over?" Jisung stuck his head into the room.

"Yep! Can you take Channie? He's a little upset and I can't cook with him." Hyunjin tries to pass him over to his Dad but the man shakes his head.

"I got some paperwork to finish. Let him be. He needs to toughen up anyways." Jisung waves it off before leaving.

Hyunjin sighs as she looks at Chan who was looking back at her with watery eyes.

"Can you please be my big boy and go play with your toys while I cook?" Hyunjin asked.

Chan shakes his head rapidly as he clung tighter to her. Hyunjin took a deep breathe before going back to her cooking.

It was difficult with a five year old on her hip but she shortly found her way around it.

Soon enough he heard bickering enter the home which made Hyunjin sigh as she knew that meant Seungmin and Minho were here.

Hyunjin turn to the kitchen door to see the couple enter. Both of them harshly spitting words at each other.

"Hey you guys." Hyunjin waves to them. Chan also waving at them with a rub of his eyes as he tired himself out from crying.

"Aw, you poor little thing!" Minho gasped when she seen Hyunjin having Chan on her hip.

"Did Jisung really make you watch him while cooking?" Minho took the tired boy from her. The other woman stretching her side with a huff.

"Yes. Said he was busy and Channie didn't want to get down." Hyunjin shakes her head.

"I need to have a talk with that little s-" Minho cutting herself off when she seen Chan staring at her with wide eyes. Hyunjin giggling at that the two who were now having a staring constant.

"I'll go talk to him." Seungmin nods as he left the kitchen.

"Why don't you go play with your toys while me and your Mama talk?" Minho suggested to Chan who nods. The woman sitting her down so he could run off.

"So, how's everything going with you guys?" Hyunjin went back to stirring a pot on the stove.

"Awful. We can't go a day without an argument." Minho shakes her head as she joins her side.

"Have you guys tried couples counseling?" Hyunjin suggested.

"You know I didn't believe in that shit. Just some know it all who thinks they can take our money." Minho says as she grabs Hyunjin's hand and pulls the spoon up to her lips to get a taste.

"Minho!" Hyunjin giggles as she let the woman sip the soup.

"Taste amazing." Minho winks as she let her hand go.

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