Opposites Attract (Changbin x Felix AU)

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Nobody gets why Felix hangs out with the quiet kid at school so much.


"Bye Binnie hyung!" Felix waved to the quiet boy who was getting on his motorcycle.

"Bye Lixie." The boy waves shyly before putting his helmet on.

"Felix, who is that and why is he calling you 'Lixie' and yeah who is that?" Hyunjin, his taller best friend, asked as they walked outside of school.

"That's Changbin. He's in my art class." Felix smiles.

"I never heard of this Changbin before." Chan, the oldest of the group, narrows his eyes at the boy who pulling out of his parking spot to drive off.

"He's a sweet boy, hyung. Don't worry." Felix reassures the older.

"I don't like his vibe." Jisung, Felix's twin, speaks up finally from his spot under his boyfriends arm.

"What is with you guys? You can't judge a book by it's cover. Remember when we thought Minho hyung was all big and scary when we first met him but he's actually a sweetheart." Felix points at Minho, Jisung's now boyfriend.

"Yah! I am not sweet!" Minho exclaims.

"Sure, babe. Sure." Jisung pats his chest.

"We've been talking for awhile now and he's such a great guy. Tomorrow when we meet up for brunch, I wanted to invite him and you will not question him. Got it?" Felix tells his friends.

"We promise."


"What if they don't like me?" Changbin was a nervous wreck as he and Felix stood outside the diner they would be meeting Felix's friends at.

"My friends are not ones to judge. They all are gay as hell and can't stay quiet for shit. You'll fit right in." Felix wipes some dust off Changbin's leather jacket.

"Hold my hand?" Changbin whispers quietly.

"A course." Felix smiles and interlocks his fingers with Changbin's.

Felix pulls the older into the diner. Instantly spotting his loud friends that stood out against the old couples and families.

"Hey guys!" Felix waves as he makes his way over.

"Lix!" Hyunjin cheers from his spot next to Chan. Minsung sitting across from them.

Felix notices there was only two chairs left but they sat opposite of each other.

"Lixie, I want to sit by you." Changbin also notices.

"Hey hyung, can you sit next to Minsung?" Felix gave Chan puppy dog eyes.

"Hyunjin, sit next to Minsung." Chan mumbles as he looks over the menu.

"What? But he asked you?!" Hyunjin exclaims.

Chan looked up and sends a glare at Hyunjin.

"Fine." Hyunjin sighs and moves next to the couple that was quietly bickering.

Felix sat next to Chan with Changbin by his side. Chan then noticing how the two were holding hands.

"So everyone, this Changbin. Changbin, everyone." Felix introduces.

"Hi, I'm Hyunjin." The taller waves from across him.

"That's Minho and Jisung hyung." Felix points out the couple that were in their own world.

"And this is Chan-" "Bang Chan. I'm Bang Chan. Felix's first friend. Known him since I was a kid." Chan cut off the younger as he looks at Changbin with a stern look.

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