Prison Wife (Bang Chan x Hyunjin AU)

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Does Hyunjin regret what he did? No.
Does he regret getting caught? Yes.

WARNING : violence.


"Hwang Hyunjin, you are here by found guilty on the soul count of 3rd degree murder. You are sentence to life without parole in Seoul Prison."

Hyunjin didn't regret what he did. His dad deserved it. He deserve to die because of his abusive ways and how homophobic he was to his own child.

When he heard his verdict, he wasn't surprise. His lawyer was sucky and he barely was helping himself.

Like he said, he didn't regret what he did.

The ride over to their prison was filled with harsh comments thrown his way.

Plenty being about him becoming someone's bitch and other repulsive things.

As he walked into the building, his belongings were shoved in his arms and he was brought out to the main area. It was full of tables that had people sitting on them. A few TVs in the corners of the room and cells lining the wall. He brought up a set of stairs towards more cells. Walking down the hall with people shouting at him from behind their own bars.

They stopped him at a cell where a tiny boy sat. He wore glasses and had a book in hand. His face screamed innocent puppy which confused Hyunjin on how someone like him could be here.

They open the cell with some keys and shoved him inside. Hyunjin sat his stuff down on the empty bed and turn back to them to outstretched his hands so they could take the cuffs off.

The officer takes his cuffs off and then leaves the cell. Locking the door behind him.

Hyunjin crosses his arms as he turns to look at the boy who stared at him.

"What are you in for?" Hyunjin snickers.

"None of your business." He sits his book down and takes off his glasses. Standing so he could stretch.

"You look like a kid? What could have you possibly done?" Hyunjin rolls his eyes.

The boy caught Hyunjin off guard by grabbing his arms and shoving him against the wall.

"Listen here, pretty boy. I didn't want a roommate but I got you so if you don't want me to throw you to the wolves then be good and listen to me. Got it?" The boy threatens. Hyunjin's eyes widen as he nods rapidly.



Hyunjin figured out his roommates name was Seungmin. He still wasn't sure what he was in jail for though.

Hyunjin didn't want to get on his bad side as he already was scared of the puppy looking boy so he listened to about every word he said.

That included when they had outside time the next day. Hyunjin followed closely behind Seungmin as the puppy boy walked towards the gate that lead to the yard. People in front of them going the same direction.

They walked through the gate where it was a small fence area of dried up grass. A basketball court sat in one corner of the yard. A few weight lifting materials in the other.

"Just don't do anything stupid, 'kay?" Seungmin says making Hyunjin nod and the puppy boy was off at that.

Hyunjin sat against the fence as he played with the grass under him. Not paying much attention to anyone as he just let the wind blow through his hair.

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