Sunshine Twins (Han x Felix x Lee Know AU)

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Minho has a soft spot for two boys who are known as the sunshine twins.

WARNING : polyamorous relationship. if you don't like it, then there's the door. > i seen this video and it was like Minho's favorite people are Jisung and Felix and I can't help but think, yes.




The two tiny boys looked at each other with a shared look before bursting out laughing.

"What did you need, Lix?" Jisung asked once he calm down.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go that cute little shop across the street for lunch." Felix questions.

"Do we have time to walk there, eat, and walk back?" Jisung raises a brow.

"If we eat quickly and run!" Felix raises a triumph finger before grabbing Jisung hand and dragging him along.

It took them a few minutes to leave campus and get across the street to the restaurant.

"Lix, I don't even have my wallet!" Jisung whines as they reach the door.

"It's fine! I got it!" Felix smiles as he opens the door for him and his friend.

The two boys stepped inside the cosy shop and looked around.

"It's so pretty here." Jisung giggles.

"I know right!" Felix giggles along with him.

The cashier behind the counter taking a liking to them instantly.

The squirrel looking boy took a seat while the other one walked up to the counter. The cashier frowning when he seen the squirrel boy kiss his cheek. Meaning they were couple and the cashier didn't have a chance with neither of them.

"Hi! Can I have two Iced Americano's and two of your double chocolate brownies?" Felix smiles at the cashier as he pulls out his wallet.

"Yeah! That will be $10.50." The cashier says as he types away on the register.

"Here. Keep the change." Felix hands him a $20 bill.

"Thanks, also by any chance, are you guys a couple?" The cashier takes the money and puts it away in the register.

"Oh, no. We're just really close friends." Felix blushes.

"Good. I have a chance then." The cashier smirks.

Felix blushes even deeper as he says, "I-I, what?"

"You guys are cute. That's all." He chuckles.

"Sung is. I'm not." Felix waves it off.

"Well tell Sung that I think you guys are both cute. Your order will be out in a minute." The cashier winks making Felix nod and rush off over to Jisung.

"Sung, you will not believe what just happened!" Felix squeals.

"What?" Jisung smiles with his friend.

"Well you see the cashier?" Felix whispers making Jisung look over nonchalantly.

"Yeah. He's hot. What about it?" Jisung says.

"He said that we're both cute." Felix whispered shout making Jisung gasp and blush just like Felix.

"Holy shit! A hot guy like him thinks we're cute?!" Jisung says a little too loudly making Felix shush him quickly.

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