Maknae On Top (I.N x Bang Chan x Changbin AU)

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Jeongin has two bodyguards because of his high end father and they also happen to be his boyfriends.

First off, you're probably like, "Not Kay making another one-shot inspired by Maknae on Top" And I would like to say, shut the fuck up :p

WARNING : uhm, obviously this will contain polyamorous relationship. if you don't like it, there's the door >


"Yang Jeongin!"

"Get away from me!"

Jeongin runs out his room and slides towards the stairs to get away from his bodyguards. Jumping on the banister to slide down as his old bodyguards couldn't keep up.

The boy jumps off the banister at the end and ran into the living room. Hiding behind the couch.

"Get back here!" Changbin shouts as him and Chan run down the stairs.

"Fuck off!" Jeongin shouts.

Chan and Changbin look around the living room. Not missing the boys bright, white, hair peeking out from over the couch.

Chan nods in one direction making Changbin nod in the other as they corner the boy on the sides.

Jeongin screams seeing them as Changbin tackles him to the ground. Pinning his arms above his head and straddling his legs.

"You need to take your medicine." Chan sighs as making Jeongin shake his head and keep his mouth close.

"I know it makes you tired but you also have been really depressed lately and you know your doctor has upped your dose for a reason." Chan says.

"Please don't make me, hyung." Jeongin begs with big doe eyes as he looks between both of them.

"I'm sorry, little fox. Open up or we'll have to force it down your throat." Changbin whispered.

Jeongin whimpers as he reluctantly open his mouth to stick out his tongue. Chan places the pill on his tongue and holds up the water bottle. Jeongin taking a sip and swallowing the lump.

"Let me see." Chan nudged his cheek. Jeongin open his mouth and moved around his tongue to show him he took it.

"Good little fox. Why don't we go get some ice cream before your father gets back?" Changbin offers making Jeongin nod softly.

Changbin helped the boy up and straighten out his button up. Chan giving him a kiss on the cheek and Changbin doing the other.

"I'm sorry but you know it's for your own good." Chan caress his cheek. The younger leaning into the touch.

"I know. I just hate how it makes me feel." Jeongin sniffles.

"You'll feel better in the long run. Just you wait." Changbin says.

"Let's go get that ice cream, yeah?" Chan offers making Jeongin nod again and follow the two to the door. They all put their shoes on by the door before heading out.

Jeongin who usually would argue for the passenger seat, didn't even bother as he got in the back quietly.

The two bodyguards sharing a look before they got in the front.

"Sunglasses?" Jeongin mumbles making Changbin open the passenger comportment and pull out three sunglasses. Handing one to both of them before putting on his own.

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