New Kid (Felix x Hyunjin x Changbin AU)

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Felix and Changbin both start crushing on the new kid while trying to get to over their own break up.

WARNING : polyamorous relationships and feminine!Hyunjin because *chief kiss*

Request by k1ttyjin :)


Changbin and Felix's break up were all the school campus could talk about.

They've been together for a year and all of sudden, the two spilt ways. They never disclose why and it was all so sudden. Even to their friends who grew together as a group kinda was confuse as to why it happened.

When it did happen, Felix was seen hanging out with other boys quite quickly while Changbin just hung back on the solo train.

They didn't seem hurt over the relationship and that's what confused everyone the most.

It was like the two were never even together.

But god forbid the two got in a room together.

Last time they did, both of them ended up with cuts and bruises.

That all change one day though. It was an ordinary day. Nothing out the blue but the thick tension of Changbin and Felix being in the same room.

Changbin's music class was flooded by the rain last week and that meant they had to move to the next door music room where Felix happened to be.

Everyone in the class felt the tension. Even the teacher were wondering what happened when they seen two students glaring at each other from their spots next to each other because there was no other seats available.

Only leaving the one empty seat between them for at least some space.

"Well-" The teacher tried to start a lesson but the sound of the door opening made him stop.

A lanky boy in a skirt and high heels stepped into the room with a piece of paper in hand and his glittery cellphone in the other.

"Hi? Is this the right one for Music? The workers from the other room said I could find the class here." He asked with a soft smile.

"Yes. This is the right room. What's your name?" The teacher asked.

"Hwang Hyunjin! Sophomore! I just transferred back here from Las Vegas!" He explained with a giggle.

"Nice to meet you, Hyunjin. Find a seat. Lesson was just about to begin." He says making Hyunjin nod.

The only obvious seat was the open one between the glaring ex's. He was oblivious to the tension as he made his way up the stairs and scooted his way through the people to take the available seat.

The two boys being thrown off by the now body blocking them from staring as they weren't paying attention to the new students introduction. 

"Who are you?" Changbin asked making the new student look up through his hair that was falling in his face.

"Ah! I'm Hyunjin! Nice to meet you!" The boy was practically raiding sunshine as he smiled at Changbin.

Changbin about choked on his spit as he seen the new boy was smiling at him with lipgloss covered lips.

Felix having his eyes on the long legs that poked out from the pink skirt that hugged his thighs.

"And I'm Felix." The boy from the other side was quick to join the conversation as he wrapped an arm around Hyunjin's seat.

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