Pyromania (Han x Lee Know AU)

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Minho is new to school and instantly finds himself drawn towards a certain boy.

WARNING: Uh, Jisung is certainly something else in this chapter. He isn't exactly stable but not crazy. He just has his own way of thinking so like forewarning, he may say some odd comments.



"Everyone, this is Lee Minho. Minho, this is everyone." The teacher outstretches his hand to the class.

"Hi. I'm Minho. Can't wait to meet all of you." Minho smiles.

"You can sit next to Chan and Changbin. Boys, raise your hands." The teacher says making two boys in the back raise their hand.

Minho found his way over to seat and sat down.

"Sup. I'm Chan." A guy says and the guy next to him nods, "Changbin."

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Minho. I was wondering-"

Minho was cut off by the door flying open.

"Hello! The queer is here!" A boy with blue hair enters the room. His bag was slung over his shoulder but the contexts threatening to spill out because of the broken zipper.

"Jisung. How many times have I told you to enter my room normally if you're going to be late." The teacher sighs and rubs her head.

"I don't know. Like 9 times." Jisung shrugs and makes his way to the back. Jisung sitting on top of the desk, crossing his legs under him.

"What's up with him?" Minho asked Chan quietly.

"That's Han Jisung. He's real weird. Wouldn't be surprise if he wasn't human." Chan shrugs.

"He once broke a dude's finger for touching his friend." Changbin adds.

Minho looks back over at the boy. He was picking at his nails that were painted black.

"He's real toxic. Just stay away from him." Chan explains.

Minho just nods as he continues staring at the boy.


It was lunchtime and Minho was invited to sit with Chan and Changbin plus their friend they were going to introduce.

Minho wasn't watching where he was going and bumped into someone.

"Whoa, watch it nice face." A familiar head of blue hair smiles as he eats some yogurt.

"Nice face? My names Minho." He chuckles.

"I like nice face better." Jisung winked and walked off to find his friends.

Minho smiles and watches him join three other boys.

"Minho! Over here!" Chan yells and waves his hand.

Minho pulls himself away from looking at the boy and walks towards the three guys who were waiting.

"Hyunjin, this is Minho." Chan introduce them.

"Hi." Hyunjin shyly waved.

"Hi." Minho smiles and rubs his neck awkwardly.

The group jumped when a bang was heard from their table.

"Sup seniors." Jisung smiles at them with a spoon hanging out of his mouth.

"Jisung, get off the table." Chan sighs and rubs his head.

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