26: Haru Got Dumped?!

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"It's bad! It's really bad!" Momiji exclaimed as he opened the door to our homeroom class. Kyo, Uo, Hana, Tohru, and I looked over.

Uo scoffed. "Yeah? Well things are bad here too," she said passively.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Momiji questioned. There was no teacher in the room to scold Momiji for entering a class that he didn't belong in, so he walked right up to us. I supposed whatever he was yelling earlier wasn't too important if he'd forgotten just like that.

Tohru explained. "We were just talking about the activities we'll be doing on the class trip." There was nothing really wrong about that, but Uo was annoyed that all class trips went to the same place and had the same standard activities.

"But that's so exciting!" Momiji exclaimed. "A school trip sounds fun! When is it?"

"It's in the fall," Tohru answered. "We'll be going to Kyoto and Nara."

"Wow!" Momiji gasped. "That's so cool! I wish I could go with you!"

Hana hummed. "I bet you could," she said. "You'd just have to pay out of pocket."

"Sounds good to me!" Momiji beamed.

Kyo immediately shouted, "NO! Don't come!"

I rolled my eyes. "Kyo's just grouchy because he doesn't like his group members," I explained.

"Oh," Momiji said. "I'm guessing Yuki's one of them, then."

I opened my mouth to answer that yes, he was, but Kyo cut in. "I refuse to be forced into hanging out with him all the damn time!" He yelled. "Group activities are dumb anyways! They're not mandatory, so if that guy's going, I'm not!"

"Oh, that's a shame," Uo said. "Things are so much more fun with you around." Kyo looked a bit surprised at her words, but I could tell she was setting up to tease him. "I mean, who else are we gonna mess with?"

"What am I? A toy for your entertainment?!" Kyo shouted. Hana and Uo both nodded in response. "SCREW YOU BOTH!"

"KYO!" Momiji exclaimed suddenly. "You big dummy! You should be grateful to go on a trip with Tohru and Natsu! Maybe I should go in your place! I'd buy the three of us snacks to share on the trip. We'd have so much fun together! Come on, don't you wanna do stuff like that?"

"What!? Of course I―" Kyo cut himself off suddenly as his eyes locked with Tohru's.

The rest of us noticed right away. I smirked at Kyo teasingly. "Of course you . . ." I trailed off in a way that urged him to finish his sentence.

"Of course you . . ." Uo echoed in a slightly more threatening way.

"Of course you . . ." Hana's voice was more calm.

"Of course you . . ." Momiji smiled, innocently.


"We do this out of love," Uo supplied sweetly.


The classroom door slid open and all of us turned to see Yuki in the doorway.

"Yuki!" I perked up immediately before realizing how excited I'd sounded. I couldn't help it. As student council president, Yuki had been busy preparing for next year. Now, he had less time to hang out with all of us. Even though we saw each other daily at home, I still missed seeing him at school.

"Yuki!" Momiji exclaimed in an equally excited tone that made me feel a little less self conscious about my own excitement earlier. "You're working so hard!"

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