8: Melt

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I knocked on the door to the Sohma house and Yuki answered with a smile. "Natsuki-san. I thought you were going to visit Shinjiro," he said. Then he noticed my suitcase and other bags. "What is all that?"

"I um . . . I'm moving out of Shin's house." I said. "I know it's really short notice, but I don't have anywhere else to go. I was hoping I could stay with Tohru in her room."

"I'm sure you can," Yuki said. He quickly ushered me inside and took my duffel bag of all my clothes and personal belongings. "Did something happen?" He asked. I could tell he knew the answer to that question, but he still phrased it gently.

Before I could answer, the door slid open to reveal Shigure. "Ha! I knew I heard the voice of a cute girl!" He said happily. Unfortunately, I couldn't bring myself to laugh as I normally did when he made that joke.

"Shigure," I said. "Shinjiro and I broke up today. I guess it was a little rash, but I moved out right away. I was wondering if I could live here with Tohru."

Shigure's smile changed from joking to sympathetic. "Of course you can stay here. I told you and Tohru to think of this house as your own and I meant it. Besides, you visit Tohru so much that you practically live here already!"

Shigure's joke earned a soft laugh from me this time; I appreciated how normally he was treating me. "Thank you, Shigure." I said. Once again, I was touched by the kindness of the Sohmas.

"We'll take your bags upstairs for you," Yuki said. He was clearly worried, but seemed to understand that I didn't want to be asked too many questions about what happened.

I gave the silver haired boy a small smile. "Thanks, Yuki. I'm going to go tell Tohru I'm here." As I left to go look for my sister, I missed the concerned frowns that mirrored each other on Shigure and Yuki's faces.

"Natsuki!" Tohru exclaimed. Her smile brightened her eyes and that was enough to burn away all the shadows constricting my chest.

As long as I have her, everything is going to be fine. As long as that smile remains bright . . . I smiled brightly. "Tohru!" I exclaimed, launching myself into her arms. I could feel her stiffen ever so slightly in confusion. This was an unusual display of affection for me. I knew she'd become worried instantly, but I couldn't help it. I just needed a hug.

"What is it?" Tohru frowned at me when I pulled away.

"Hm? Nothing. I can't hug my sister?" I asked. "Do you not like my hugs?"

"No! I like them! I was just surprised," Tohru defended. "You don't hug me that often, so it's nice when you do."

"Really? Then can I have another hug?"

Tohru giggled. "Sure," she said, wrapping her arms around me easily. The tension inside me unwound little by little. I was already feeling better than I had when I walked into the room. My smile didn't feel forced at all anymore.

But Tohru was frowning again when we pulled back. "Are you sure you're alri―"

"Hey," Kyo's voice cut in. I turned to see him standing in the doorway to the kitchen with a hand on his hip. "You're burning something in here," he said, and I realized he was right.

Tohru gasped. "The chicken!" She exclaimed, scrambling away to pull the food from the heat of the stove.

"Wow, nice save," I laughed.

Kyo frowned. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to help with dinner."

"More like help burn dinner."

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