2: The Cat, The Rat, and The Dog

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The second floor room was pretty nice. Once all of Tohru's things had been moved, Yuki grabbed Tohru and I some clothes. I'd gotten dirty from digging in the mud earlier, so I accepted gratefully and changed in the bathroom. 

When it was Tohru's turn, I decided to talk with the silver haired boy. "Thanks for the clothes," I said. "And for helping my sister."

"I just wanted to help Honda-san after hearing what she was going through." Yuki said. "I never would have known how much she's been struggling. How much you've both been struggling. She always seemed so cheerful." He trailed off with a frown.

"Yeah, she's like that," I sighed. "Smiling like she doesn't have a care in the world regardless of how she really feels." I walked forward to help Yuki open the windows and clear out the stuffiness. "I'm really grateful that you helped Tohru when I couldn't."

Yuki seemed like he wanted to say something, but Tohru's soft voice came from the doorway. "Umm . . ."

"Honda-san." Yuki greeted her. "I apologize for the smell. We've have this room closed off for quite some time. It's probably best to keep the windows open for a while―"

Suddenly, the ceiling fell inwards. When the dust cleared, there was an orange haired boy standing in the center of the room. "Yo. Time to pay the piper, rat boy." The stranger said, stretching his shoulder. "I'm here to collect."

Yuki seemed unphased by this person suddenly falling through the ceiling. "Funny, I would have thought he'd send someone bigger." The grey haired boy responded with a smirk, leaning against the inside of the window sill cooly. Was that a joke?

"Why you―!" The orange haired guy clenched his fist.

Yuki sighed. "Every time you're here you make a mess. Honestly, you're too weak to take me." I raised an eyebrow at Yuki's words. They were unexpectedly cold, but I couldn't say I didn't like seeing this side of him. It was very different from that fake smile he always wore at school.

The orange haired guy growled. "Bastard! You'd better get your tough talk out of the way while you can, 'cause I'm about to wipe that stupid little smirk right off your face!" At the last word, he lunged for Yuki.

"Wait! Don't fight!" Tohru gasped.

My sister and I moved at once. I aimed to save Yuki by pushing him out of the way. Tohru had a similar idea, going to stop the stranger. On accident, we both ended up wrapping our arms around our targets. The orange haired boy let out an undulating yell and then, two puffs of colored smoke went up and all four of us fell to the floor.

 The orange haired boy let out an undulating yell and then, two puffs of colored smoke went up and all four of us fell to the floor

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I pushed myself up onto my elbows, having fallen flat on my face. The first thing I noticed was that the stranger and Yuki were both gone. It took me a second to noticed the orange cat in Tohru's arms.

I looked around and spotted Yuki's clothes on the floor like he had suddenly stripped and ran off in the blink of an eye. Then I realized there was something crawling around on top of the piles of clothes. A rat? I scooped up the small creature before it could scamper away. It didn't try to escape, simply sitting on my palm and looking at me with wide eyes. No way. It can't be . . .

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