12: Hot Springs Adventure

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"A hot springs trip?" I looked wide-eyed at Momiji, who was beaming radiantly.

"Da!" The blonde boy exclaimed happily. "It's my white day gift to you."

"Wow! Thank you, Momiji!" I exclaimed. "Tohru and I have never been to a hot springs before. It sounds like so much fun. Right, Tohru?"

I looked at my sister for confirmation, but she looked the opposite of excited. "I-I don't know if mother would approve of me going to such an expensive place." She said as she clutched her hands nervously to her chest.

Momiji and I pouted. "Come on," I said. "You've been working really hard lately. Don't you think it'll be good to relax? Plus, it's it would be a shame to turn it down such a thoughtful gift."

Momiji beamed at my indirect compliment. "Yes! I'm sure if you are happy, your mutti would be too." He told Tohru. Then his expression saddened. "Unless . . . you don't want to go . . ."

"No, I'd love to go," Tohru said quickly. "Thank you." I could tell she was still a little worried about the hot springs trip, but it seemed that most of her worry had been replaced with feelings of happiness.

"Yay!" Momiji exclaimed. "Kyo and Yuki are going too."

"WHAT?!" Kyo burst into yelling immediately. "That's the first I've heard of a hot springs trip. Something's wrong with your head if you think I'd do something like that!"

"Nooo!" Momiji cried, clinging into Kyo's shirt as the orange haired boy turned to walk off. "You have to go!"

"Like hell I do!" Kyo exclaimed. "Don't make decisions for me, you runt!"

Tohru frowned beside me, looking rather disappointed. She clearly wanted him to come with us, but she didn't say anything.

Momiji relented his argument too, realizing he wasn't going to get through to the orange haired boy. "What about you, Yuki? Are you also going to refuse?"

I couldn't help but stare as a soft smile graced Yuki's lips. The gentle tilt of his head only added to the effect of his smile. He was angelic. "I'll go," he said. "After all, you've gone through the trouble of arranging everything."

"Yaay! Yuki's going!" Momiji exclaimed, throwing both arms in the air with excitement. I was glad Yuki was joining us, but I kept my excitement hidden.

Kyo, on the other hand, was much less enthusiastic and had no problem voicing his feelings. "That's all the more reason for me not to go!" He exclaimed.

"Oh come on, Kyo," I said. "You should come. Everyone else is going."

"Don't you try to peer pressure me! I said I'm not going!" Kyo glared at me and stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest.

I hummed. "I guess it's true. Cats really don't like water."

As expected, the orange haired boy puffed up with anger. "Shut up!" He yelled. "It's not because of the water!"

"Sorry to change the subject, but I just remembered . . ." Shigure began. "Tohru, I heard you haven't paid the monthly deposit for the class trip yet."

"WHAT?!" Tohru and I exclaimed in sync before turning to share a look. She looked a little sheepish, embarrassed that her secret had come to light.

I'd figured something was going on. Earlier at school, the teacher had called her for a conversation outside. I asked twice, but Tohru wouldn't tell me why she'd been called upon. Now I knew it had to be about the school trip deposit. I was shocked she hadn't paid it yet with how much she was working recently.

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