21: The Tiger

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I think the rain's going to stop soon, I thought as I eyed the sky carefully.

I'd been out shopping for myself when a sudden downpour had started, leaving me stuck inside the cafe for a while. I'd been fine staying inside the cafe reading one of the new books I'd gotten myself. Now that the rain was becoming lighter, I decided it was time to pack up and go home.

Tohru always worried I'd get a cold if I stayed out in the winter rain too long, but Tohru wasn't here, so I did what I wanted. I had to admit, I loved this weather. I didn't bother to pull my hood up before I started down the sidewalk, preferring the feel of the raindrops on my face. The air was cool and there were few people outside thanks to the heavy downpour from before.

As I was walking, something orange caught my eye in the nearby bushes. I walked past it at first, but then doubled back. I'd thought it was a piece of trash or something, but as I looked closer, it was definitely an animal. Who would leave a poor kitten out in the rain like this? Then I froze. This had to be some conveniently striped orange tabby. I wasn't looking at a tiger, right. Right? I mean, what was a tiger doing out here? Just as I wondered, the answer came to me.

"A Sohma." As I said it aloud, I felt certain of it. I decided to take the tiger back home.

"Found you."

I nearly jumped out of my skin. Turning around, I realized Haru had come up beside me at some point. "You scared me," I said.

"Sorry," Haru said flatly. "But I've been looking for her. Kisa, that is."

"Oh. Did something happen?" I asked.

Haru nodded. "She didn't come home from school today, so I've been looking for her." As Haru spoke, he pulled his long jacket off and picked Kisa up, wrapping his jacket around the tiger in a way that hid her completely. "We should go to Shigure's."

He turned around and started walking, but I quickly stopped him. "Haru, wait. That's the wrong way."

He turned on his heel and headed the other way without a single word. I chuckled and fell into step beside him. "Oh, that's a cool tattoo," I said, noticing the wavy band wrapped around his bicep.

"Thanks," Haru said.

As I looked closer at his arm, I realized it wasn't a band, but a snake that wrapped twice around his arm. I wonder if it means anything. Just as I was about to ask, a voice called out.

"Natsu! And Haru?" I turned to see Tohru and Yuki standing under an archway.

"Hey," I smiled. How convenient that we'd run into them. It seemed like they were headed back home too.

Yuki frowned. "What are you two doing together?" He asked Haru and I carefully.

"We happened to run into each other while we were outside," I explained.

"You're both wet!" Tohru exclaimed. Well duh, it's raining! "You'll catch a cold like that," she said, and ran over with her handkerchief.

I took the handkerchief before she could dab at my face with the cloth. "I'm fine. It's Haru that you should be worried about," I said.

Although I'd only run out while it was sprinkling, Haru was drenched in water. It was clear that he'd been in the rain when the downpour was heavier. I turned and started to wipe at his face, since he was holding Kisa and couldn't do it himself.

Yuki stepped forward. "He's fine, you don't need to baby him," he said. He sounded a little annoyed, for some reason. "And what were you two even doing out in the rain?" Oh, was he the kind of person who worried about people getting sick from the rain?

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