15: Affections

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In the morning, there were too many people around for Yuki to find proper time to talk with me. The grey haired boy seemed like he was in a bad mood by the time all of us piled into the car that would take us back home. As soon as I saw Yuki and Tohru sitting together, I knew I needed more time before I would feel myself around them again. I knew I was being an idiot, but it was hard for me to look at Yuki. I just needed one more day to calm my heart.

One more day passed, but by the start of the next day, I still didn't feel ready. Actually, I felt less ready than before. My avoidance seemed to be making the situation worse. I could tell Yuki's behavior was changing in response to mine, but I couldn't make myself stop. The tension between us was growing. It felt like every passing hour we went without talking was another second off the countdown of a ticking bomb. I was just waiting for mass destruction.

"Natsuki-san, could I talk with you for a moment?"

I'd been dreading this moment. "What is it?" I asked. I reluctantly turned to meet Yuki's eyes. I could see he was worried and frustrated.

"There's something I want to―"

"Sorry to interrupt," Tohru popped her head into the doorway. "I'm going grocery shopping. Do either of you need anything from the store?"

"No, I'm fine," I said.

"Same here," Yuki added.

"Are you going to the store by yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah," Tohru responded.

"I'll come with you." I said. I was rather eager to get away from Yuki, but the silver haired boy had other ideas.

"I'll come too, if that's alright." Yuki said. Great . . .

"Of course," Tohru smiled. "Thank you both. I'm going to ask Kyo if he needs anything and then we can leave." She disappeared from the doorway, leaving the awkward tension in the room to grow steadily.

I looked at Yuki to see he was frowning ever so slightly. I knew him well enough to know he was annoyed simply by seeing his face. "Um . . . There was something you wanted to tell me, right?" I asked.

Yuki nodded. "Yes, but it should wait for another time. Tohru will be back soon."

Huh? What did that have to do with it? "You can't tell me now?" I asked.

"It's not the right time," he answered. "I don't want to be interrupted."

Before I could inquire further, Tohru appeared in the doorway again. "Alright! I've got the list finished!" She held her grocery list proudly. "Let's go to the store!"

Kyo was standing at the entryway putting his shoes on as we approached.. "Huh? You're coming too?" I asked.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" Kyo asked. He stood up and boldy shot a look at me and Yuki, mostly at Yuki.

"Nope! No problem at all." I said. To be honest, I felt a little better knowing that Kyo was coming too. At least I wouldn't be third-wheeling all alone. Yuki didn't seem happy that Kyo was tagging along, but he never liked being with his rival anyways.

Kyo and I trailed behind Yuki and Tohru. The couple in front of us was talking quietly with each other; so quietly that I couldn't hear them over the bustle of the cars and the snippets of conversation from passing pedestrians.

I couldn't help but notice the pink ribbon in Tohru's hair. It might mean nothing. Tohru really appreciates when others give her gifts, I told myself. It wasn't strange that Tohru had decided to wear her white day gift happily, but when I looked at it, I couldn't shake the jealous feeling in my chest. I didn't get anything from Yuki for white day . . .

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