20: Hurricane Ayame

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A/N:  First, I'd like to say thank you all for 1.2k+ votes!! This is the most I've gotten on any of my stories. I honestly didn't think I'd hit ever 1k on any of my stories, especially not this completely self indulgent fanfic. It makes me happy that you all love Snowmelt as much as I do. Please enjoy this very long chapter (seriously, it's the longest one yet).


There was only one person in this house who would be screaming death threats this early in the morning.

"Dammit Kyo," I groaned and covered my ears with my hands. "So loud . . ."

Tohru had bolted upright in shock at the sound. "WAH!" She gasped, looking around the room frantically. Realizing there was no danger, she relaxed.. "Um, what's happening?"

"Don't know," I yawned. "Don't really care."

"Oh. Well, I'm going to see what happened."

"Why bother? Kyo will tell us later," I said. "If it's that bad, he's going to complain about it all morning."

I was right. As we sat at the table for breakfast, Kyo began angrily ranting about his horrific morning. It turned out that Ayame had decided to sleep in Kyo's bed last night without the orange haired boy's knowledge. Kyo had gone to bed alone and woken up to find Ayame right in front of him. Before he could even recognize his shock, the older man had hugged Kyo in his sleep. That was when Kyo screamed.

I'd been annoyed at first, but after hearing that whole story, it was too funny to stay salty. Just picturing everything made it hard for me to hide my laughter, especially when Kyo was practically blowing smoke out of his mouth from anger as he recalled the tale.

"You should have locked your door," I laughed.


Ayame shrugged. "Don't blame me. Yuki locked his door and I couldn't get in."

I had to wonder what would have happened if Yuki was the one who'd woken up to find Ayame in his bed. Surely our breakfast would have included snake meat in it.


"But Gure doesn't let me get any sleep . . ." Ayame replied, coyly looking away from the incriminated man.

Shigure laughed. "Come on, Aya. There are children present."

" . . . " Yuki, Tohru, and I didn't want to gratify that comment with a response. Kyo yelled, "KNOCK IT OFF, BOTH OF YOU!"

"Can you stop yelling in my ear, Kyo?" I sighed. "You've been shouting all morning, but I just want to enjoy my rice in peace . . ."

"Well I wanted to sleep in peace, but that didn't happen thanks to a certain someone." Kyo retorted, shooting a look at Ayame.

"Oh? Same here, Kyo," I side-eyed Kyo as I ate a mouthful of rice.

Kyo blinked at me. "Hey, don't look at me. Look at Ayame."

"Hm? Was that the person who woke me up with his yelling this morning?

Kyo looked exasperated now. "Natsu . . . you would have screamed too if you were in my position."

Ayame suddenly laughed. "My, my. Who knew Kyonkichi could get along so well with others! This is certainly a first." He mused, ignoring Kyo's protest at the insult. Ayame continued. "You two are so cute together."

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