10: Dawn

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There were several reasons why Yuki was reluctant to go back to the Sohma main house for New Year's. The first was that he'd run away from that place for a reason. Going back even for just 3 days was not something he was excited about. But besides that, Yuki was worried about leaving Tohru and Natsuki alone over New Year's. Natsuki would be fine, but Tohru . . .

"You know, a few nights ago they left their bedroom window wide open." Kyo sighed. He'd been going on about Tohru ever since they left the house.

"Are you a peeping tom now?" Yuki and Shigure chorused, highly unimpressed by Kyo's statement.

"Like hell I would do that! I was just in the yard and noticed the window was open!!" Kyo defended.

Yuki could see the point Kyo was trying to make. "Tohru fell down the stairs again yesterday too," Yuki added with a sigh.

"She's the kind of girl who'd run into a brick wall." Kyo said, and Yuki had to admit he was right. "She's definitely the type to choke on her New Year's mochi," Kyo continued.

Yuki protested to that one. "Why would you even imagine something so horrible?" He shot a glare at his orange haired cousin.

Kyo opened his mouth to retort, but Shigure spoke first. "Enough!" He sighed. "You sound like parents worrying over their newborn. I understand that you're worried about her, but you both decided it was alright to come to the estate."

His words were true, but Kyo and Yuki were both too stubborn.

"I'm not worried!" Kyo yelled before tossing his head to the side uncaringly. "Who said I was worried? 'Cause I'm not!"

"Don't be ridiculous," Yuki added. "Let's go already." He and Kyo stormed forwards, intent on attending banquet despite their lack of enthusiasm.

Shigure called out from behind them. "You know, the paper has been saying something about a lot of burglaries in this area. I think the criminal's still on the loose."

Yuki and Kyo both froze in their tracks. Without even making eye contact, the boys knew they were both thinking the same thing: Tohru would certainly open the door and let the stranger right inside. The two boys yelled in frustration, drowning out the sound of Shigure's amused chuckle.

"Come on, I'm sure they'll be fine." Shigure said. "Don't forget Natsuki is there too. You saw how she slapped Kyo that one time. She and Tohru can take care of themselves."

Yes, Yuki thought. Natsuki is fairly strong. But what if the burglar has a weapon? When I entered late one night, Natsuki had a frying pan in her hands. Would that help if the burglar has a knife? And what if the burglar knows martial arts? Natsuki doesn't know martial arts.

Perhaps it was ridiculous to worry about someone who knows martial arts trying to burgle the house, but Yuki couldn't help feeling worried. It was entirely possible, after all. The house was surrounded by forest, isolated from most other houses. It was the perfect target for a burglar, assuming they could find it in the woods.

The boys chorused a groan once more and Shigure looked a little apologetic as he spoke. "Get a grip, you two. Let's keep walking. If you keep standing in the street like that―"

"You could be killed."

Shigure shrieked and jumped away from the unexpected voice. Yuki and Kyo looked up too, blinking in surprise at the figure dressed in all black. At first, Yuki thought it was some kind of ghost, but after a moment he realized it was just Tohru's friend Hana.

"Oh. Hi. I did not see you there." Shigure's voice was pitched higher than normal, his speech sounding robotic as he recovered from the shock. "Can we . . . help you with something?"

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