3: Kagura Arrives

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It turned out that Akito was fine with Tohru and I knowing about the family secret. Yuki had told us our memories might have to be erased, but I was relieved that it hadn't come to that. Tohru was also allowed to stay at the Sohma's along with an unhappy Kyo.

Tohru was in the process of cleaning Shigure's kitchen when I arrived at the house the next day. It was, to say the least, a complete wasteland of garbage. No exaggeration. There was a path from the hall to the living room, but the rest of the kitchen was a disgusting mess of trash bags and other random pieces of garbage. It could have honestly been mistaken for a small landfill. Suddenly I understood why the Sohmas had needed Tohru to be their housekeeper.

My sister and I set to work and within a painful hour, the kitchen was spotless. I was lucky Tohru was such a skilled cleaner. I'd just put up the last of the cleaning supplies when Yuki entered. "Amazing." He said, looking around the room in awe. "I can't believe you two managed to clean up such a disgusting kitchen."

Tohru and I grinned proudly. Yeah, you'd better be impressed. Tohru and I worked our butts off to clean this mess! I thought. Not to brag, but we'd done a fantastic job. The kitchen was practically sparkling with cleanliness now.

"I gave it my best," Tohru said modestly. 

"I didn't even know Shigure owned a rice cooker." Yuki said in awe as he held the machine.

"Yeah, we had to excavate it." I said, flexing my bicep. "By the way, how did the kitchen get like that in the first place?"

"Oh." Yuki said. "We uh . . . Shigure and I didn't feel like taking out the trash so it just piled up. Eventually it became too much of a hassle to clean it." Yuki said.

So those two were just being lazy? "Wow," I sighed. "You'd better not let our hard work go to waste after we cleaned that landfill you called a kitchen." I said as I raised an eyebrow at a sheepish looking Yuki.

"I wouldn't dare." Yuki chuckled. "It looks very nice now. I'll do my best to keep it that way."

"Good." I said. Then I stretched. "I'm getting hungry. How about we make dinner?"

"Great idea!" Tohru said. "We can use the rice cooker we found."

Not much later, we were all sitting at the table eating.

"How does it taste? Is it ok?" Tohru asked.

"It's delicious." Yuki said. "I haven't had a meal like this in a while. But where have Shigure and that stupid cat gone? They've been out for quite a long time."

"And you went out for a little bit earlier too, didn't you?" Tohru asked.

Yuki nodded. "Yeah. To my secret base in the backyard."

Tohru gasped. "Secret base?" She asked, her eyes shining. "Is it like some kind of private fortress?" I chuckled at her excitement.

"Ehh it's probably not as interesting as you imagine." Yuki said. "I can show it to you sometime if you like."

Tohru gasped again. "Seriously?! That's so exciting I saw one once when I was a kid, but no girls were allowed in, so―"

"SHUT UP!" The door slammed open to reveal an angry Kyo with Shigure at his heels.

"Will you listen to me for one second, Kyo?" Shigure said, sounding exasperated and slightly out of breath. From the looks of it, Shigure probably had to chase Kyo here to keep up with his angry pace.

"I don't wanna hear it!" Kyo snapped, stomping forward. "I'm so pissed! Is this what makes you happy? Manipulating me?"

Shigure followed him. "Settle down. I'll admit, I'm enjoying this thoroughly, but it is what's best for you."

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