1: The Sohmas

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A/N: The new Fruits Basket remake reawakened my love for the show. I know this fandom has been kind of dead for a while, but if I'm going to write a story for it, now's the time.

But this brings up the question: am I following the manga, new anime, or old anime? I'll mainly be following the plot of the manga/new anime. BUT, the old anime has some of my favorite lines and some iconic scenes, so I'll definitely be putting those in when it fits.


"See you later, mom. Take care of the house while I'm gone. I'll be back!" Tohru smiled at the photo of her late mother. It was propped up amidst a small pile of her books and other belongings. The tent could only hold essentials, and it was undeniable that Kyoko's photo was essential to Tohru.

"Bye, mom." I added with a wave at the framed photo.

Tohru closed the tent and we started walking. "It's a really beautiful day today." Tohru said. "And we have extra time to get to school. How about we go explore?"

"Sure," I said. We strayed from the normal path a bit so we could look around. "You know, there's supposed to be a storm later. Are you sure you want to stay out here?"

Tohru nodded, giving me a smile. "Yep." She answered cheerfully. "I'll be fine. It's just like last time it stormed."

Yeah, like last time where you stayed outside half the night to hold down the tent.

"I'm still worried." I said. "Would you come stay with me just for the night? I don't want something bad to happen to you."

My boyfriend had allowed me to stay at his house and had extended the offer to Tohru. But the girl had refused to "burden" anyone with her presence. Thus, Tohru was staying in a tent while I was staying in my boyfriend's house. I'd offered to stay with Tohru, of course. Yet Tohru had insisted on living alone, saying that I should spend time with my boyfriend. "The tent is too small for two people," she had said. A stupid excuse, but enough to tell me she wouldn't let me stay with her. She was just stubborn like that.

I hadn't thought my sister would still be living in the tent. But thinking back on it, it was stupid to think she would give up so easily. Luckily, she seemed like she was doing just fine living the life of a camper. Though that didn't lessen my worries about Tohru living alone in the middle of a forest. That was why I walked to the tent every day to make sure Tohru was ok and to walk with her to school.

"I'm fine staying here," Tohru rejected my offer yet again. "I couldn't bother you and your boyfriend. Even if it's just for one night."

I rolled my eyes. "I told you, you're not a bother." I said. "I'm just worried about you living out here by yourself. Shin is worried too."

Tohru smiled and shook her head. "Tell him not to worry." She said. "And you shouldn't be worried either. You should enjoy your time with Shinjiro instead of walking to school with me."

"Not happening." I said. "He can handle himself. You're my sister. Plus, you're out here living in the wilderness." At that moment, I stopped walking. "Or not." I said, staring at a house that I'd never seen in all my trips to the tent.

"Woah, is that someone's house?" Tohru asked, having spotted it as well.

I frowned at my sister. "You've been living in the area and you didn't know there was a house here?"

"Well, I've never explored around here before." Tohru said. Fair enough. It wasn't like I'd explored much either.

We walked closer to the decently-sized traditional Japanese house. On the porch were little painted figures of the 12 zodiac animals. Tohru's eyes were shining with awe as she stared at them. She had always loved the tale of the zodiac.

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