4: Boar-able Accidents

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The next half an hour was surprisingly peaceful. The air outside was nice and the house was quiet while I carefully fixed the doors. I had just finished repairing the wooden frame when I noticed Kyo on the porch several feet away.

"Kyo, you're back?"

"GYAH!" Kyo yelped, whirling to face me. He looked so startled I couldn't help but laugh. "Natsuki?! Don't do that! I thought you were Kagura! And don’t laugh at me!"

"Haha, sorry. You just looked so startled." I said. "Scared of running into your fiance?"

"She's not my fiance!" Kyo glared. "And I'm not scared. I just don't feel like getting punched again."

I chuckled. "That's understandable," I said. "Kagura is in the laundry room washing your clothes, so you probably won't run into her."

"She's what?"

Clearly Kyo wasn't listening when Kagura told him to take off his shirt so she could do the laundry. He started walking off and I quickly got up and followed him down the hall. He stopped outside of the laundry room, carefully peering in at Kagura. I could hear Kagura humming happily to herself.

"The smell is gone!" She said happily. "Kyo's shirt is all clean! Maybe I should wring it out so it will dry faster. DRY DAMN YOU!!" Kagura's loud yell rang through the air, followed by the sound of fabric tearing.

"GAH!" Kyo exclaimed. "Tell me you didn't do what I just think you did!"

Kagura's face brightened at Kyo's voice. She clutched his torn shirt to her chest and turned to her crush with sparkly eyes. "My love!" She cooed.

"MY SHIRT!" Kyo yelled in annoyance. He stepped into the room and grabbed the torn fabric from her hands. "And I really liked this one too."

"I'm sorry, darling. I promise I'll fix it right away." Kagura said. "Here, you can wear this one until then." She offered him another one.

Kyo glared at the offered item. "IT'S SOAKING WET!" He yelled. It was true. The shirt was dripping water on the floor.

"But that's because I washed it for you." Kagura said with a smile, completely oblivious to the problem.

"Is there anything of mine you didn't wash?"

"Your pants."

"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW? GO AROUND HALF NAKED?" Kyo shouted. My gaze went past him, looking at the washing machine that was making bubbles on the floor. That's not good.

"YOU WANT ME TO GET PNEUMONIA, IS THAT IT? . . . GAH!!!" Kyo yelled as all of us were suddenly swallowed by a sea of foam.

"How much detergent did you use?!" I yelped.

"All of it." The girl answered. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

After a struggle with the washer and the slippery floor, the flow of bubbles subsided and fizzled into soapy water that pooled around the washer. Kagura and Kyo had gotten away with a few wet spots and bubbles on them. But I'd gotten the worst of it, standing in front of the washing machine when I turned it off. I'd have to change clothes.

"Well, this is quite the mess." Shigure was standing in the hall frowning at the state of the room. It seemed he'd heard our yelling and had come to investigate. Nice of him to completely miss everything that just happened.

"I'm sorry." Kagura said, looking down at the mess sadly. "I didn't mean to . . ."

"I know you didn't," Shigure smiled kindly at her.

"It doesn't matter. You still did it." Kyo snapped at Kagura.

"I'm sorry. . . Please, Kyo. I'm sorry."

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