28: Dreams

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Shigure had come not only to inform us that Akito was here, but also to take all the Sohmas to greet Akito. This excluded Kyo, of course, but the orange haired boy simply shrugged it off. "The cat never gets invited," he'd said simply. That left just three of us in the inn. It felt really weird. We often spent time together at the house when Shigure and Yuki were out, but we were on vacation right now. The others were supposed to be here with us. It felt wrong without them.

I sighed and looked out the window. The sun cast brilliant, fiery shades across the sky. I didn't know how far away the annex was from the inn, but it felt like the others had been gone too long for a simple greeting. I wondered if Yuki was with them. Did he know Akito was here? The last time Akito had appeared, his visit had loomed over Yuki for a while before it was forgotten. I wondered if Yuki would still be able to enjoy vacation.

Tohru seemed to be worrying too. "It's been a while," she voiced my thoughts. "They're still not back." We'd made pancakes partially as a way of distracting ourselves and partially because we were hungry. By now, we'd eaten everything we'd cooked.

"Maybe they're having dinner over there," Kyo suggested. He didn't look too concerned, propping his chin lazily on his hand. "We should use up the rest of the pancake batter."

"No, we should save it for the others!" Tohru gasped. "Let's call them."

"Can we do that?" I asked.

"Of course we can!"

I clarified my question. "Do we know what number to call?"

Tohru froze. "Ah. No . . . Th-then let's go look outside."

"What good will that do?" Kyo asked, sounding like he wanted to roll his eyes at her. "They're probably still at the annex."

Tohru ignored Kyo's words and started to get up, but I stopped her. "Stay here, I'll go." I said. "I've been wanting to take a walk anyways. I'll come back early if I find someone." I stood from the table.

Tohru seemed like she wanted to join me, but a quick glance in Kyo's direction changed her mind. "Okay . . ." She said, "I guess I'll just stay here and . . . and make more pancakes!"

"More?! What do we need more for?" Kyo asked, finally sitting up straight with surprise.

"Well, if we're going to use up the rest of the batter, then we should make more so the others have something when they come back."

"Then what's the point in using the rest of the batter?! Pick one: save it or use it!"

I smiled at their antics and slipped out the door. It was much quieter outside the house. It was calm, peaceful, and a bit less suffocating. I wandered down the path Yuki and I had walked earlier in the morning. It looked a little different at night― a little lonelier. Maybe it was just because I was missing Yuki's company. I diverged from the path and headed down the steps towards the ocean. The sun had almost disappeared over the horizon. Rays of light glistened off the slowly rolling waves. I closed my eyes against the glare and listened to the sounds of the ocean. It had been so long, but I could still remember the sound of my parents' laughter. Just like the slow waves crept up the shore, a feeling of loneliness washed over me, slow and far-reaching.


For a moment I thought I'd imagined the voice calling me. But when I turned, Yuki was really standing behind me with surprised eyes. I stared back with equal surprise.

"Yuki! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I took a walk earlier and lost track of time," Yuki responded softly. "Shall we head back together?"

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