7: The Rabbit

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"Stop it! No photos!"

"Can't you see he doesn't like it?"

I rolled my eyes in the direction of the crowd of girls gathered around Yuki. Somehow, some of the third year girls had convinced Yuki to wear a dress for the school festival. Thus, our class was visited by many people who came just to look at him. The Prince Yuki Fanclub was making a valiant attempt to protect their prince from photos, but that didn't stop people from looking. Yuki was clearly annoyed by the attention and his eyebrows twitched to frown every time someone called him 'cute'. Unfortunately for him, that was the first word that came to mind when most people saw him.

"He's not looking at me." Tohru frowned. "Did I do something to make him angry?" She asked.

"Nah, just ignore him." Kyo said nonchalantly. "He's just embarrassed. He gets really insecure about that pretty face of his."

I snickered. "Are you sure you don't have a thing for Yuki?"

Kyo glared at me. "Shut up! I just meant that he's got a girly face!" Kyo huffed in annoyance. "Just look at him! In that dress, you'd never know he was a guy."

As if on cue, a blonde haired boy in a blue jacket and a hat jumped on Yuki's back. "Du lieber himmel!" He exclaimed. German? "Yuki, you look like a girl!"

The crowd around him gasped along with Kyo. "What's he doing at the festival?" Kyo wondered in shock.

"Do you know who that is?" Tohru asked.

"Momiji." Another voice interrupted. A tall man with black hair entered the room. He was dressed professionally in a vest and long sleeved shirt. His bangs were parted to one side, trimmed in a way that mostly hid his left eye. He looked stoically at the blonde boy― Momiji, I assumed― with a slight frown. "Don't go running off on your own like that."

The fangirls stared with wide eyes as the stranger approached Yuki. His steel eyes glanced up and down Yuki's dress-clad form. "You're looking well today, Yuki. And Kyo too," he added with a glance in Kyo's direction.

The fangirls gasped, surrounding the strangers in a heartbeat. They all started talking at once. "Are you friends with Yuki?" "What's your name?" "The blonde one is so cute!" And so on.

Eventually, the short blonde boy introduced himself. He took off his hat and held it across his chest as he bowed ever so slightly. "Guten tag! I am Momiji Sohma. I'm half-German, half-Japanese." He smiled. He was absolutely adorable. "And that's Hatori Sohma. We're both relatives of Yuki's."

Tohru gasped and her eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked to Kyo for confirmation. "Really?!" She asked.

I laughed. "They just said it's true, didn't they?"

"Yeah," Kyo said. "It's true. But what's that bastard Hatori doing here?"

'That bastard' Hatori then spoke again. "By the way, Yuki. When did you become a woman?" If he was making a joke, it was difficult to tell by his expression. His face hadn't changed at all.

On the other hand, Yuki's face could only be described as sheer annoyance. "How can you say that after having seen me naked plenty of times."

The girls gasped, clearly misunderstanding. "Yuki!" "Are you two . . . ?!" "Does that mean you're . . . ?!"

The cacophony of shocked exclamations was cut short by Yuki's voice. "No. He's a doctor," Yuki explained to them as Hatori pulled a stethoscope out of his bag. The doctor placed his stethoscope over Yuki's chest and Yuki frowned at him. "There's no need to examine me here."

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