11: The Ox

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"You're not going to be able to keep that blank expression forever! One of these days, I'll make that mouth of your say 'sorry.'"

"Sorry," Yuki responded without missing a beat. Although he'd done just as Kyo asked, the orange haired boy was not appeased.

"Aren't you ashamed to just roll over like that? Where's your pride as a man!?" He exclaimed in anger.

"It's intact," Yuki assured Kyo. "But you're the one who should be ashamed, making a scene like this in public."

"Oh yeah? Then let's take it outside, girly-boy!"

Yuki's eyes narrowed at the orange haired boy. "We're already outside, you dumb cat." His voice was a little harsher than before, thanks to Kyo calling him girly.

Kyo was fuming as he opened his mouth to retort. I spoke first. "Agh! That's enough." I sighed, massaging the bridge of my nose with one hand. "Can't you two chill for just 5 minutes? I'm tired of your yelling."

When Tohru and I had mentioned to the boys that we were going grocery shopping, both of them offered to come with us and carry the bags. They got along well enough at first, bickering only a little. But when I made the mistake of leaving for a cup of hot chocolate, I returned to find the boys' back-and-forth comments had dissolved into a straight up yelling contest. Well, it was mostly just Kyo yelling.

"Then go inside and get the groceries with Tohru!" Kyo snapped back. "No one said you had to stand out here with us."

Yuki and I both glared at Kyo for that comment. "Fine," I said. "If you want to start a fight in the middle of the sidewalk, I guess I won't stop Yuki from beating you up."

"Yea—" Kyo started to agree, but caught himself. "Wait a second! Are you saying I'd lose?"

"Are you saying you've ever won a fight with Yuki?" I raised an eyebrow at the orange haired boy.

"W-well . . . I made a wish. So it's gonna come true! I'll beat that rat . . ."

"Oh, so that's what this is about." Yuki sighed. "You're wasting your time yelling at me when you could be training. It's no wonder you always lose."

"SHUT UP! No one asked you." Kyo hissed.

At that moment the doors to the grocery store slid open and Tohru's cheery voice broke the air. "Sorry to keep you waiting!" She called. Then she noticed Kyo seething, tension and anger rolling off him in ominous waves.

In complete contrast, Yuki smiled sweetly, erasing any trace of anger from his features "It's no problem," he said. "Thank you for doing the shopping, Honda-san. Kyo and I will carry the bags for you." He took some of the groceries from a slightly bewildered Tohru before addressing Kyo. "Come on and take a bag, dumb cat."

"STOP CALLING ME DUMB!" Kyo growled. He roughly yanked one of the bags from Yuki's hand and stomped his way down the sidewalk.

Yuki huffed in annoyance, but followed the orange haired boy.

"Natsu, those two weren't fighting, were they?" Tohru asked me worriedly as we walked behind the boys.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked. "What do you think?"

"I guess they are a little worked up." Tohru frowned.

"Just a little?" I raised an eyebrow.

"My New Years wish was that they would stop fighting," she told me with a sigh. "But it only seems like they're arguing more. I'm not seeing any progress."

"Hey, we still have the rest of the year," I comforted my sister. "Be patient. It'll take more than just a wish to make those two get along."

As if on cue, Yuki's voice rose in anger. "I've had it with you!" Yuki stopped walking and glared at Kyo. Tohru and I froze in our steps too, worried about what Yuki was going to do. Kyo's constant yelling was one thing, but when Yuki's icy cold exterior cracked with the heat of his anger, real trouble might be around the corner.

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