27: Summer Sun and Salt

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I hadn't expected to see the ocean anytime soon, but Momiji had reserved one of the Sohma's vacation homes for a summer break getaway. The trip was very short notice, which meant not everyone who was invited was at the vacation spot yet. I wasn't sure about most of the other zodiacs, but Shigure mentioned he'd come later. For now, it was just me, Tohru, Yuki, Kyo, Haru, and Momiji.

The second our group reached the sand, our group split off into two. Tohru and Momiji were both eager to get in, but Kyo, Yuki, Haru, and I stayed on the dry sand.

"It's beautiful," I breathed as I looked out at the ocean. It had been a long time since I'd gone to the beach. "Not going in?" I asked Kyo teasingly.

"Not on your life," Kyo responded, glaring at the ocean like its very existence offended him. I knew it, I laughed inwardly. Kyo was possessed by the cat zodiac, after all. But even if I hadn't known that he innately hated water, it was obvious he had no intention of getting in the water when he'd parked himself by the stairs, the furthest he could get from the shore while still being on the sand. It was like he was prepared to run if the water somehow made it to where he was sitting.

Yuki didn't seem too excited to go swimming either, but at least he was dressed for the occasion. He'd slipped on a plain, white button-up over his dark blue swim trunks. The short sleeved shirt was left unbuttoned all the way down, showing a strip of pale skin down his torso. I couldn't recall him wearing an outfit that showed so much skin before now.

Haru was also wearing swim trunks. They were black, of course, and he'd accented the outfit with sunglasses and some jewelry. If this wasn't a private beach, I was certain girls would have been all over him. Especially when he looked like a model as he surveyed the sea. I couldn't tell if he wanted to get in or not. Perhaps he was considering his options, just like me.

I hadn't been planning to get in the water, but the sun was brighter than expected, so part of me wanted to go in. I hated the oily feeling of sunscreen, but the dark purple bikini I was wearing left a lot of skin to the sun's mercy, so I pulled out my can of sunscreen spray and started coating my skin with a protective layer.

"Want me to get your back?" Haru asked the moment I'd finished.

"Oh, sure," I replied, feeling a little surprised.

Haru abandoned his lifeguard stance and walked over, taking the spray can from me.

I turned around, pulling my hair in front of my shoulder and I waited, expecting to feel the chill of the sunscreen hitting my back. But when I heard the sound of the spray, I felt nothing. I glanced over my shoulder to see Haru was spraying the sunscreen into his hands instead.

"It's better to put it on like this, so it feels warmer." He explained, coating his palms in the liquid.

"I don't care, just spray it on!" I exclaimed at the same time another voice called out.

"Haru, don't get ahead of yourself." Yuki frowned at his cousin. It looked like he was about to set out a beach towel, but dropped it so he could approach us. "Did you even ask before you did that? She might have felt uncomfortable." A valid concern.

"I was just surprised," I said. I was certain Haru was just trying to be considerate. He was just too straightforward at times and his actions could easily be misconstrued. If he'd wanted to flirt, he definitely would have just said so.

Yuki sighed. "I was surprised too," he said. "Haru, just spray the sunscreen on directly."

Haru hummed. "Alright," he said. But then he handed the can over to a confused Yuki. "You do it. I have sunscreen all over my hands," he said. He really didn't, but as he spoke, he started rubbing the sunscreen he'd sprayed on his hands earlier over his muscled arms and chest to make his words reality.

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