chapter 26 - noctivagus

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s/n: wild one, lana del rey

" i get so wild and crazy,
like the colour blue. "


[ zoro ]

He heard silence over the phone, then Sanji's low baritone chuckle.

"That's not something to tell a man." The blond said.

"It is something to tell to beautiful things." The tanned boy smiled to himself, remembering the sun-catching properties of the blond's hair.

"...Your drawing is wrong," Sanji's voice sounded slightly groggy and so very soft.

"I am not so..." The tanned boy heard a heavy sigh followed by another chuckle, before the blond continued.

"-happy. Beautiful. Radiant. Everything about it is wrong."

Zoro wanted very much to disagree, but he swallowed it all. He wished he could show Sanji just once how he looked in his eyes. How easy it is to love him, just as simple as falling in love with the flowers in spring.

"Why are you not happy?" Zoro asked.

"..." The silence reminded the tanned boy of the thick ginger soup that Sanji made for him once when he caught a cold. It was overflowing.

"Because...I don't deserve happiness." There was a strange blankness in Sanji's voice—if he was to describe it, it was like cardboard, and his normal voice was like colourful paper planes.

Zoro frowned at his ceiling. Someone as supernova-like as Sanji deserves happiness and much more. More than the world. Planets. The universe.

"You didn't answer my question," Sanji's abrupt change of topic did not go unnoticed by Zoro. "- You still haven't told me why you've drawn me. Give me a better reason so I'll forgive you."

I've been wanting to draw you for the longest time. "I've wanted to draw you from the moment I saw you."

"What? Why?"

Because I wanted at least a part of you to be mine. "I wanted to capture you."

"...Your beauty, I wanted to make it mine."

"Am I that handsome?" The blond laughed, his sunlight back again. "For you to love me at first sight. Even girls aren't this cheesy."

"I don't know." Zoro said truthfully.

There was only silence in reply at Sanji's end.

"But it hurts here." His tanned fingers travelled up his chest and sank their nails into his heart.


"Yes," Zoro said softly. "Here in my heart."

The blond boy didn't reply, but he didn't hang up...only his soft breaths could be heard over the phone.

They stayed like that for perhaps hours, through the night, just listening to each other's breathing. The gentle tremors of the blond's breaths were the only thing keeping his dark thoughts at bay.

sorry for the short chapter, my loves, my national exam is tomorrow 🗿 hope you enjoyed the chapter! as always, tell me your thoughts!

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